» How to scare birds away from cherries. Protecting cherries from birds How to cover cherries from birds

How to scare birds away from cherries. Protecting cherries from birds How to cover cherries from birds

Not only people, but also feathered gourmets eagerly watch the cherry berries ripening in the garden. How to protect cherries from birds, protect the harvest and the health of trees in personal plots? These questions concern many summer residents and owners of rural farmsteads.

Cultivated plantings of fruit and berry plants become a favorite feeder for many, especially flocking birds, in the warm season. However, visits from birds are not always a joy for the summer resident. It’s great when a flock helps control insect pests. And it’s a completely different matter for birds trying to profit from garden strawberries, serviceberry, honeysuckle and, of course, cherries.

Feathered enemies of cherries: who are they and why are they dangerous?

Most often, sparrows and tits, waxwings and jays “graze” on fruit trees and bushes. The stone fruit, which ripens earlier than other stone fruits, is very attractive to starlings.

What is the damage caused by birds, and how to protect cherries from birds, be they starlings or their other winged relatives? In addition to the fact that the flock practically clears the branches of ripe berries in a matter of hours, the birds:

  • they break down young growth and bouquets of news on which next year’s harvest should appear;
  • leave damaged fruits that attract insects and pathogenic fungi.

The larger the birds and the more numerous the flock, the greater the damage. But birds are not a natural disaster! Even at low cost or even using home remedies, you can provide excellent protection for cherries from birds.

Measures aimed at saving crops are divided into two categories. Some methods protect the entire tree and prevent birds from getting close to the treasured berries. Other activities are designed to scare away winged gourmets.

How to scare birds away from cherries?

Birds in a flock behave much bolder than birds alone. And yet, not even the bravest starling will be able to start a meal if he is distracted by intrusive sounds, bright lights or the uninterrupted flashing of shiny objects.

It is these techniques that are used to scare away starlings from cherries, both in single plantings of fruit trees and in large gardens. The simplest and most accessible options are:

  • rustling or rustling objects hung in the crown, for example, household bags, scraps of packaging mica or film;
  • loosely fixed, movable objects made of reflective, shiny, bright materials, for example, fragments of New Year's tinsel, unnecessary computer disks, bulky lumps of food foil hung between branches;
  • homemade turntables and rattles, made on the principle of children's toys, but having a persistent frightening effect on birds.

These methods are good because they help both protect cherries from starlings and avoid additional expenses on expensive devices and accessories.

However, experienced gardeners know that birds eventually adapt to the most ingenious methods of scaring them away, so for greater effect it is better to combine several techniques and from time to time change the location of objects that frighten birds.

How to protect cherries from starlings using shelters?

Another common method of protection is a crown cover, which would not interfere with the penetration of sun, air and moisture, but would also prevent birds from landing on branches with juicy berries.

How to protect cherries from birds using this method? Until recently, such an event was unlikely to be feasible, but today trade offers a lot of interesting and fairly affordable options:

  1. Non-woven material of low density, for example, used to cover growing crops, does not interfere with plant respiration and completely allows rain and irrigation moisture and sunlight to pass through. The lightweight canvas will not damage the branches, but will turn into reliable bird protection for cherry trees with a small, compact crown.
  2. On larger trees it is convenient to use special large-mesh plastic nets. The crown under such cover is not damaged, and birds, even when sitting on a tree, cannot penetrate deep into the branches to where the sweetest berries hang. In addition, the green mesh is practically invisible from the outside and does not spoil the appearance of the garden.

Other ways to protect cherries from birds

Summer residents who trust innovative methods of plant protection rather than homemade products can purchase ultrasonic electronic devices for repelling birds.

Devices placed in the garden emit vibrations that are inaudible to humans, which birds perceive as unambiguous alarm signals. This allows you to scare birds away from cherries, both in small summer cottages and in mass plantings. The range depends on the power and other technical characteristics of the device.

In some cases, gardeners use fragrant herbal infusions based on garlic, hot pepper, citrus zest and other crops with a strong taste and aroma for birds. The method cannot be called reliable, since the first rain washes away the protection, and in dry weather, natural essential oils quickly dissipate.

A detailed video on how to protect cherries from birds will introduce the gardener to all the available options. The clearly presented material will help you choose the most effective and affordable method. And the berry preserved from feathered gourmets will definitely please the summer resident and his family members.

One of the ways to fight birds on cherries - video

The cherry harvest is often threatened by birds living in the garden and surrounding area. Particular damage can be caused by starlings, whose first offspring grow up by the time the berries ripen. How to protect cherries from birds living in the area and not harm the feathered inhabitants is the topic of the article.

How to scare starlings away from cherries

Methods of protection depend on the number of trees on the site and their age. It is advisable to use several control options, as smart starlings quickly adapt to changes. Basically, repellents are used in combination with physical barriers in the form of a protective net, which literally does not allow starlings to approach the cherry tree.

There are also several high-tech solutions to protect cherries from starlings and other birds. Specialized stores sell models of predators, gas guns, and ultrasonic devices that cause alarm in starlings, sparrows, and blackbirds. If the problem is acute, chemical protection is used against birds. The crown of the cherry tree is sprayed in advance with solutions with an unpleasant odor and taste. Let's consider what to do if starlings eat cherries, analyzing various methods of protection.

How to hide cherries from birds

It is possible to protect berries from birds using covering materials only if the crown size is small. The canvases are secured in the shape of a cocoon using clothespins or office clips. In this case, there should be no cracks or gaps through which nimble starlings or sparrows can penetrate. The ends of the fabric are secured with twine around the trunk. The protection should be light enough so that the branches are not damaged when removed. A photo of a bird net for cherry trees demonstrates this.

Advice! As an option, poles are installed near the cherry tree to secure a trellis, to which the bird protection is attached.

How to cover cherries from birds:

  • lightweight non-woven agrofibre. Durable material will create a barrier for birds, but at the same time will not retain moisture, air and sunlight, promoting the normal course of photosynthesis;
  • fine-grained garden or fishing net. The diameter of the cell must be smaller than the starling's head, otherwise the birds may become entangled and die.

The integrity of the shelter should be checked regularly, especially after rain and strong gusts of wind. After all, in addition to starlings, sparrows, jays, and thrushes live in the garden. It will not be difficult for small birds to get under the strong protection even through a small gap. This method guarantees protection of cherries from birds.

Using rustling elements

Unexpected sounds can scare birds away for some time. Cellophane bags are tied to the branches of the cherry trees, which make noise with every gust of wind. The rustling elements are securely fixed at several levels.

In addition to plastic bags, film from old videos and audio cassettes is suitable for these purposes. It is hung in bunches around the perimeter of the crown. Over time, the film begins to entangle the branches, loses its elasticity, and stops rustling and scaring away birds. Noise protection is effective only in windy weather; to protect cherries, it is used in combination with other methods. Starlings quickly get used to it and soon stop reacting to such harmless tricks.

Important! Preventive control measures include methods that limit the roosting and nesting areas of birds. Avoid birdhouses, install spikes on the eaves, and string fencing around the cherry trees.

Using shiny objects

Bright flashes or glare of light can scare away hungry flocks of starlings and sparrows. Therefore, you can often see fruit trees in gardens that resemble Christmas trees. The following items are suitable for creating shiny protection:

  • Christmas tree garlands;
  • CDs;
  • strips of foil;
  • reflective film;
  • shiny pieces of tin cans.

Making such repellers is simple. But placing them takes a lot of time. In addition, under gusts of wind they will fall to the ground if they are not properly secured. Magpies love to steal shiny jewelry, so their supply needs to be replenished periodically.

Using Ultrasonic Bird Repellers

Ultrasound tuned to the frequency of perception of the bird is effective. Feathered guests begin to feel anxiety and discomfort and quickly leave the area. Industrial ultrasonic repellers are immediately ready for use; they need to be placed on the site and the sound source directed towards the cherry tree. The devices are turned on by a signal from an infrared sensor, which is attached to a branch.

This method of protecting cherries is supported by the use of ultrasonic repellers at industrial agricultural facilities - elevators, feed processing plants. The use of high-tech devices is an opportunity to protect cherries from thrushes and starlings, as well as from sparrows, jays, woodpeckers, and magpies.

However, their use in small-sized farms may not be economically feasible. The device requires uninterrupted power supply; the cost of high-tech protection is not comparable to the damage caused by starlings or sparrows.

Application of gas guns

To protect cherries and scare away flocks of sparrows and starlings, gas guns are used. The device simulates the sound of a loud gunshot, which can be heard over a long distance. Using the timer, you can set the frequency of clapping and use the device in completely autonomous mode. You only need to monitor the capacity of the propane tank.

The use of the device is relevant for large areas. The gun produces a sharp noise at set intervals, such as every 15 minutes. This is enough to prevent flocks of starlings and sparrows from settling into the berry patch. The defense is peculiar, but effective.

The principle of operation of the gun is as follows: a propane cylinder is connected to the device, made in the form of a pipe. From it, gas is supplied to the detonation chamber and then ignited using a spark. The combustion products are discharged out through the pipe in the form of a fiery splash, which is accompanied by the sound of a gas explosion.

Attention! The device allows you to keep birds at a distance, but the cost of the gun itself and the purchase of gas can make such protection unprofitable for the gardener. In addition, not all neighbors will like to constantly listen to loud and sharp bangs.

Treating trees with protective agents

To protect ripe berries and deceive birds, prepare an infusion with an unpleasant odor. The solution is sprayed onto the cherries. The following ingredients are used to prepare the mixture:

  • garlic;
  • hot pepper;
  • citrus zest.

It is advisable to spray once a week, as the smell disappears under the influence of wind and rain.

Gels and repellents, which can be purchased everywhere in garden stores, are suitable for the same purpose. Specialized compounds are safe for humans and are divided into two categories. Primary repellents that act as irritants on the nervous system and cause an avoidance response are suitable for migratory birds. For sedentary types of birds, secondary repellents are selected that cause discomfort after eating. Having received a negative experience, a flock or family of birds leaves the place. Starlings often eat early cherries, so fruit trees, lawns, and cornices are treated in advance, 2-3 weeks before harvest.

Construction of a scarecrow

The traditional method of protection against birds is a scarecrow in the form of a human figure. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself. To do this, it is enough to fasten a pair of sticks at right angles and dress the cross in old clothes so that the design resembles a human silhouette in appearance. It’s even better to place several scarecrows on the site and let them save the cherries from the birds, as in the photo below.

For greater effect, the scarecrow is periodically moved around the area. Otherwise, starlings and sparrows that constantly live in the garden will get used to the static figure and will no longer be afraid of it. Scarecrows help protect ripening berries from visiting birds, but the larger the flock, the more aggressive its behavior.

You can also place commercially produced replicas of kites and owls on trees. Stuffed predators periodically move their heads and wings, and also emit frightening sounds characteristic of these birds. This is an effective protection against all types of birds.

Other ways to protect cherries from birds

The ingenuity of gardeners knows no bounds. They have come up with many ways to save cherries from sparrows, starlings, jays, and magpies - permanent inhabitants of personal plots.

  1. During the ripening period of the berries, narrow strips of white, blue and red fabric are tied to the branches, which will scare away birds with their unusual appearance and constant movement under gusts of wind.
  2. Birds don't like loud sounds. In order to protect the crop, bells, rattles, and homemade rattles are attached to the branches.
  3. An original way to protect cherries from birds is to use firecrackers. Pops and explosions emit gun shots, and are capable of driving away flocks of starlings, blackbirds, and sparrows for a long time.
  4. Some gardeners recommend recording the cry of a starling caught in a trap. In the berry garden, it is necessary to periodically turn on audio recordings with the sounds of shooting or the cries of birds warning relatives of danger.
  5. An easy way to scare birds away is to attach an old fur hat to the top of a tree to resemble a cat waiting for prey. The hat needs to be moved occasionally so that the birds do not get used to it.
  6. It is also recommended to hang inflatable balloons with large painted eyes in the berry patch area, like those of an owl, the natural enemy of starlings and sparrows. You can purchase such dummies in a store or you can paint the balloon yourself using felt-tip pens.
  7. In combination with other methods, water repellers are used, which are equipped with sensors that respond to movement. A sudden release of water can scare away a bird of any size.

How to protect cherries from sparrows

Sparrows are permanent inhabitants of garden plots. They also love to eat juicy berries. Although the damage caused by sparrows is less than that caused by starlings, gardeners are looking for ways to scare them away from cherries cheaply. Methods used to fight more aggressive birds are suitable for this.

These are colored plastic bags hung on branches, rattles, and bells that make sharp sounds when the wind gusts. Metal foil and lids of tin cans, which cast bright reflections in the sun, can also scare away flocks of sparrows and protect berries.

A reliable way is to protect the cherries with covering materials. A mesh or durable fabric will become an insurmountable barrier for sparrows. It also helps to have a scarecrow, which you can dress up in your own old clothes to scare away the sparrows.

Attention! Specialized repellers are a universal solution. They emit a sharp sound, in a normal tone and ultrasound, accompanied by flashing directional lamps.

The video on how to scare birds away from cherries clearly demonstrates the variety of ways to protect the crop.


A simple solution to protect cherries from birds is to wrap the crown of the cherry tree with a mesh or non-woven agro-fabric. If the gardener has limited funds, homemade scarecrows, old plastic bags, foil, and CDs will help scare away birds. Additional protection is spraying cherries with garlic tincture. If the berry garden is large and finances allow, then it is easier to install an ultrasonic repeller or gas gun.

How to protect cherries from birds?

Birds on a personal plot do a lot of useful work. For example, they can protect garden crops from insect pests. At the same time, birds can cause harm. If you have it in your garden, birds will probably love its berries as food. Experienced gardeners know several simple ways to protect a tree from birds without harming them. For a better understanding, the techniques are supported by photo and video tips.

Why scare birds away from cherries?

Even if you suddenly don’t need a cherry harvest or don’t have time to collect it, you shouldn’t leave the tree to its own devices. The consequences can be much worse than the simple loss of ripe fruits.

When attacking cherries, birds also:

  1. They leave damaged fruits on the branches, which become a breeding ground for fungal and other infections. As a result, the entire tree can become diseased.
  2. Young branches are broken. The entire harvest of next season is at risk.

To protect the crop, the gardener should either protect it directly on the branches, or generally scare the birds away from the tree. Coping with this problem is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Attention! Typically, garden trees are preferred by tits, starlings, waxwings, sparrows, and jays. A flock can eat a plant for several hours.

How to protect crops from birds

The covering material should not interfere with the plant’s breathing, disrupting air circulation and preventing the penetration of sunlight and rainwater to the branches. There are these options:

  1. For young growing trees, choose a dense non-woven material that is light enough not to break branches. As long as the crown of the cherry tree is small, the shelter will work well.
  2. For mature trees, it is common practice to use a large-mesh plastic mesh. If the material is green, it will not spoil the appearance of the garden. Even if a bird sits on a branch, it will not be able to penetrate deep into the fruit.
  3. For medium-sized trees, you can also use dense non-woven material or fine mesh.

How to scare birds away from cherries

The ones that work most effectively in the garden are:

  • a homemade pinwheel made from a plastic bottle suspended from branches;
  • special electronic ultrasonic bird repellers that are mounted on trunks or poles;
  • a propane gun, which will simulate a rifle shot at certain intervals;
  • hanging rustling objects - cellophane, film from old cassettes, etc.;
  • shiny elements on peripheral branches - Christmas tree rain, old compact discs, pieces of foil or reflective film;
  • strips of white film or fabric on branches;
  • spraying the tops of the cherries with an infusion of hot pepper or garlic (will have to be repeated after each precipitation);
  • hanging chopped onion heads.

Attention! You can find other special bird repellent products on sale. For example, gels or spray solutions. Make sure that they are of natural origin and do not pose a danger to the crop.

It is best to combine several methods. Then you can count on the protection working for sure.

Protecting cherries and cherries from birds: video

There are a lot of people who want to eat sweet cherry fruits, and not all of them are people. Birds also appreciate the taste of these juicy sweet berries. How to protect cherries from birds? This question plagues many summer gardeners.

In just one day, even a small flock of birds can destroy the entire harvest from a tree in one sitting, leaving two or three untouched berries as thanks.

It turns out that all the work and effort associated with growing cherry fruits will be aimed at feeding the birds, because in no case will they miss the opportunity to feast on it before harvesting, of course, if the tree with the fruits is not protected by anything.

Despite the fact that the help of birds in the fight against various pests on trees and in the ground is simply invaluable, in the competition for the cherry harvest they themselves can be called pests.

Nowadays, there are many options for controlling pest birds that love to feast on the sweet cherry harvest. There are many berry lovers among them.

In order to protect your crop from pest birds, and to harvest the cherry harvest yourself, various means of protecting fruit trees are used.

When choosing one or another method of protecting a fruit tree, a gardener must be guided by its effectiveness, cost, area of ​​effect (this is especially important when mass plantings of a crop) and other parameters.

How to protect cherries from birds? We offer several effective ways that every summer resident can cope with.

Professional bird repellers

Such repellers will help protect not only the cherries grown, but also other garden crops from bird attacks. They are divided according to the method of scaring:

  • bioacoustic devices - reproduce the alarming cries of birds about danger, which are transmitted to real birds, as a result of which they simply do not fly up to the trees. The range of the device is usually up to 500 m;
  • laser devices - based on protecting plantings using a laser beam. The fact is that most birds do not tolerate contrasting light, but as practice has shown, laser systems are not very effective at scaring away all types of birds;
  • Ultrasonic devices are considered the most popular means of repelling birds today. Modern installations are absolutely silent for humans and therefore do not cause any discomfort;
  • Gas guns are one of the newest methods of sound repelling birds. In this case, the installation periodically emits sounds simulating gunshots, due to which birds arriving to land scatter in different directions. The gas gun can operate for a long time and does not require any maintenance from the gardener.

The effectiveness of repelling birds with such installations is very high, but they are very expensive and are suitable for protecting large farms and farms with numerous plantings of fruit crops.

Processing cherries with solutions

Here it is proposed to prepare a special tincture and spray it on ripening cherries.

For example, you can use red hot pepper, 10 pods of which are soaked in 3 liters of water and left to infuse for 3 days.

After this time, the infusion can be used for processing.

Instead of pepper tincture, garlic infusion is also suitable. In any case, birds will not like processed cherries.

The only disadvantage of such spraying is the frequency of treatments, which directly depends on weather conditions - rain will easily wash away the infusion, so you will have to treat the tree again.

Covering cherries with a net

If the cherry is grafted onto a dwarf or semi-dwarf rootstock, then it makes sense to simply cover it with a mesh with medium cells and remove it from the tree after harvesting.

Such a net can be purchased in a store or asked from fishermen. The main thing is to secure the edges of the mesh so that the birds cannot fly inside the shelter.

DIY bird repellers

In this case, it is proposed to use homemade items, which, although not very effective, are still capable of scaring birds away from cherries, and without any monetary costs.

These are the various ways you can protect your fruit tree from bird attacks and save your long-awaited harvest.

Which of the above methods to choose is up to each gardener.

It is unlikely that a person will purchase an expensive professional installation to protect a pair of cherries, but then he can try cheap means of protection, although less effective, but more cost-effective for a summer cottage.

How to protect cherries from birds?

Birds on a personal plot do a lot of useful work. For example, they can protect garden crops from insect pests. At the same time, birds can cause harm. If you have it in your garden, birds will probably love its berries as food. Experienced gardeners know several simple ways to protect a tree from birds without harming them. For a better understanding, the techniques are supported by photo and video tips.

Why scare birds away from cherries?

Even if you suddenly don’t need a cherry harvest or don’t have time to collect it, you shouldn’t leave the tree to its own devices. The consequences can be much worse than the simple loss of ripe fruits.

When attacking cherries, birds also:

  1. They leave damaged fruits on the branches, which become a breeding ground for fungal and other infections. As a result, the entire tree can become diseased.
  2. Young branches are broken. The entire harvest of next season is at risk.

To protect the crop, the gardener should either protect it directly on the branches, or generally scare the birds away from the tree. Coping with this problem is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Attention! Typically, garden trees are preferred by tits, starlings, waxwings, sparrows, and jays. A flock can eat a plant for several hours.

How to protect crops from birds

The covering material should not interfere with the plant’s breathing, disrupting air circulation and preventing the penetration of sunlight and rainwater to the branches. There are these options:

  1. For young growing trees, choose a dense non-woven material that is light enough not to break branches. As long as the crown of the cherry tree is small, the shelter will work well.
  2. For mature trees, it is common practice to use a large-mesh plastic mesh. If the material is green, it will not spoil the appearance of the garden. Even if a bird sits on a branch, it will not be able to penetrate deep into the fruit.
  3. For medium-sized trees, you can also use dense non-woven material or fine mesh.

How to scare birds away from cherries

The ones that work most effectively in the garden are:

  • a homemade pinwheel made from a plastic bottle suspended from branches;
  • special electronic ultrasonic bird repellers that are mounted on trunks or poles;
  • a propane gun, which will simulate a rifle shot at certain intervals;
  • hanging rustling objects - cellophane, film from old cassettes, etc.;
  • shiny elements on peripheral branches - Christmas tree rain, old compact discs, pieces of foil or reflective film;
  • strips of white film or fabric on branches;
  • spraying the tops of the cherries with an infusion of hot pepper or garlic (will have to be repeated after each precipitation);
  • hanging chopped onion heads.

Attention! You can find other special bird repellent products on sale. For example, gels or spray solutions. Make sure that they are of natural origin and do not pose a danger to the crop.

It is best to combine several methods. Then you can count on the protection working for sure.

Protecting cherries and cherries from birds: video