» DIY electrostatic smokehouse. Reducing smoking time using an electrostatic smoker Do-it-yourself electrostatic smoker from an ignition coil

DIY electrostatic smokehouse. Reducing smoking time using an electrostatic smoker Do-it-yourself electrostatic smoker from an ignition coil

The smoking process can be described as a fascinating and interesting process. However, it involves significant time investment. This is especially true if you are going to cold smoke meat or fish. This process takes several days. It is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature inside the chamber. It is also important to ensure uninterrupted smoke production, which, in turn, is impossible without the normal operation of the chimney. People often give up smoking precisely because they don’t have enough time. Even if you make the smokehouse design yourself, you can use this product no more than a couple of times.

What is smoking in an electrostatic field?

This method cannot be called new. Cold electrostatic smoking units have been used for a long time and with success. Without a doubt, every person has tried products prepared in such a device at least once in his life. However, more often than not, people simply had no idea that the products they used were made in exactly this way.

Note! The essence of electrostatic smoke treatment is to accelerate the entry of combustion products into the product.

Subsequently, reactions are observed that are similar to those that occur during conventional smoking. The electrostatic field has no effect on issues such as hydrolysis and denaturation that occur in meat when exposed to smoke. The electrostatic field increases the rate of smoke diffusion. Accordingly, products smoked using this method must be kept for several days. This must be done in a cold place for ripening. If we are talking about home conditions, it is enough to put the food in the refrigerator. All necessary processes will be completed during this period, and therefore the product will become absolutely ready for use.

If we talk about the physical essence of the process, the smoke from the generator passes through the mesh. The positive pole of the DC voltage source is connected to it. In this case, an extremely low current strength is noted. Ionization by smoke is observed later, after which it passes into the smokehouse chamber. Here are the products to which the negative pole of a similar source is connected. Ionized smoke under the influence of opposite charges is divided into two fractions. At high speed, positively charged ions are directed towards the products and literally pierce their thickness.

There is a uniform distribution of the constituent elements of smoke, due to which meat or fish are exposed to them. That is why the method in question is considered one of the most effective compared to standard smoking. Conventional smoking results in the top layers being processed to the greatest extent. The inner layers are subject to less impact.

You can make a smokehouse for electrostatic smoking with your own hands. No complex equipment or special training is needed for this. If you have basic plumbing skills and a little knowledge of electrical engineering, this will be enough.

Electrostatic smoking pros and cons

The main advantage of electrostatic smoking is the cooking time of smoked products. It is significantly less than with traditional smoking. As for the cons, they are all subjective. But in most cases we have to say that there is no noticeable difference in taste.

What types of electrostatic smokers are there?

Electrostatic hot smoker

In an electrostatic smoker you can cook food using the hot method. The cooking time will take up to 1 hour. Compared to other types of smokehouses, it is much faster, since in this case it takes a day and no more. Of course, many points depend on the volume of products contained in the device.

For such a hot smoker, you can use a double grate if you make the device yourself. This ensures maximum performance. The grid is fixed at a certain level. The salted dry raw materials are placed on a grid, before which sawdust and small branches are poured onto the bottom. Next, you need to secure the lid tightly. It usually takes about 30 minutes to prepare. Depending on the quantity and variety of products used, the exact time is determined.

Electrostatic cold smoker

Cold smoking takes longer. Products are smoked in a normal room for more than 7 days. In this case, the temperature should be maintained at 25 degrees Celsius. It is also important to maintain constant pressure. However, even in this area, technology is constantly evolving. That is why an electrostatic field is used for smoking today. The design includes the following elements:

  • First, take a galvanized iron box and install it. The door is fixed on hinges on one side;
  • Hangers are arranged vertically. They are actually fragments of stainless steel. These can also be wires with a diameter of 3 to 4 mm;
  • The high-voltage wire is connected to the hangers. A product taken from an old element will do.
  • You can also take a power supply from an old TV;
  • A motor with a power of 300 to 350 V is installed in the lower area. A disc made of cast iron material with a diameter of 80 mm is fixed to the axis. Its thickness should vary from 20 to 30 mm;
  • The salted product is placed on hangers, after which the installed motor is turned on. Once a few hours have passed, the power is turned off. Finished smoked meats can be removed.

What can be smoked in an electrostatic field?

Thanks to the electrostatic smoker, you can prepare smoked meat and fish. Products are hung on hooks at the top of the chamber.
Each piece must be connected to the negative pole of the transformer. This is possible in several ways. If you hang the workpieces with hooks on a metal horizontal rod, then it will be enough to connect this rod to the wire. If products are hung on a wooden plank, then a pin electrode must be inserted into each workpiece to a depth of 2 to 3 cm.

DIY electrostatic smokehouse

A sleeve made of rubberized fabric is installed on the chimney. It is brought outside through the window. After this, you can attach the smokehouse to it. The water seal is filled with 2/3 of the water into the installed cooler. When the high voltage unit is removed, the products are hung on brackets. Following this, the high-voltage unit can be lowered back into the chamber. The electric current is then connected to the control unit and the high-voltage unit.

Next you need to place the wood in the smoke generator. It is advisable to take fruit varieties. The smokehouse is connected to the network. Once the smoking process is complete, the water catcher is removed and the staples are wiped. But let's figure out how to make such an electrostatic smokehouse with your own hands.

By design, an electrostatic smokehouse differs only in terms of the electrical circuit. The voltage at which smoking occurs varies from 10 to 20 Volts DC. Special transformers are used in industrial installations. It will be enough to take a transformer from an old TV.

In addition to the transformer, you will need: voltage multiplier: resistor from 100 Ohm (max 7 kOhm); transistor KT 817 or KT 836; isolated network cable; insulating rings (hard rubber or other refractory material); metal mesh made of any metal.

If you decide to use a transformer from a new TV with a vacuum picture tube, then the multiplier is already present in it in a built-in version. Accordingly, it produces direct current. You don't need to invent anything. The power supply is assembled based on a transistor and a limiting resistor. They are connected to transformer terminals 9 and 11 counterclockwise. The high voltage is removed at the output stage. The polarity must not be reversed under any circumstances. This is why, when dismantling a transformer, you need to remember where the negative and positive terminals were connected.

High-voltage generator models are designed for use in smokehouses with a capacity of 5 to 10 kg of meat. The large smokehouse continues to operate, but the smoking process continues further.

The components of the smokehouse are a smoke generator, a smoking chamber, a control unit and a high voltage unit. To form an electrostatic field, 3 grids are installed inside the smoking chamber. There are 2 of them on the sides of the camera. One is located in the center. They are connected to the cathode of the DC generator. The voltage that is created here reaches 20,000 Volts. That is why all such electrodes for hanging products must be carefully insulated from the housing.

Homemade needle electrodes are also secured by other contact methods. To install them, you can use pointed pieces of steel wire, as well as nails. The anode is connected to the hook where the products are placed. The current generator circuit is not complicated. That's why you can assemble it with your own hands without much difficulty. The corresponding drawings for an electrostatic smokehouse are provided in large quantities on the Internet, which is why anyone with basic knowledge of electrical engineering can assemble one.

Electrostatic smokehouse video

I present the people's high-voltage smoking unit. Let's consider two options. The first is the simplest, which is suitable for amateur smoking, and the second is more complex, but more advanced. First, a little about the operation of this explosive unit.

The principle of high-voltage smoking

To form a static field in this explosive block, PWM modulation of the car’s ignition coil is used, followed by an increase in the output voltage at the multiplier. PWM or in English PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation) pulse-width modulation is a method used to control the magnitude of voltage and current. The operating principle of PWM is to change the pulse width of a constant amplitude at a constant frequency.

But with PWM control of spark formation on the ignition coil (hereinafter referred to as the coil), there is one caveat. The fact is that when PWM begins to supply pulses to the coil, the pulses are initially very short and the energy generated by the coil is small. The schedule is below.

Gradually, the pulses become wider, the coil receives more current and voltage, as a result of which the energy generated by the coil grows and reaches its peak with PWM modulation 50X50.

But then, a not very pleasant circumstance for us occurs: the width of the pulses becomes increasingly larger and the power generated by the coil begins to decline. Therefore, for normal operation of the coil, only the first part of the operation of the PWM block is acceptable to us (up to 50% filling). This is easy to track - by placing a high-voltage spark gap on the table (for example, like mine), rotating the PWM block handle from left to right, we look when the spark has maximum power (length). We put a mark on the panel opposite the marks of the adjustment knob and remember the ampere-voltmeter readings. That’s it, we don’t go beyond these values. In the future, we select the smoking time according to power to these values. For example, I have a maximum spark power of 2 amperes, but for electric smoking for three hours while the sawdust cartridge is burning, I set it to 1 ampere. With this current strength, smoking in my small plywood smokehouse is just right.

Practical part

Now we need to make the high-voltage smoking block itself (hereinafter referred to as the BB block). For this we use parts from Aliexpress. We will need:

  1. Any power supply for 12 - 16 volts. 16 volts allows you to develop the maximum power of the explosive unit and this is the maximum power supply for the NE555 chip, which operates PWM.

  1. Voltmeter - ammeter for visual control of the strength of the smoking process. Using a voltmeter - ammeter allows you to select the current and smoking voltage that is optimal for the smokehouse you are using. It also allows you to regulate the smoking voltage at different humidity levels, for example in winter and summer.

  1. The PWM block itself. It can be different, but it should produce pulses with a frequency of no higher than 1500 Hz. This is the maximum effective frequency for the operation of the high-voltage microwave diodes used. And also have a power of at least 4 amperes, more is more reliable. For example, I’m quite happy with this one from Aliexpress. True, it needs modification to lower the frequency; it is necessary to replace the capacitor indicated by the arrow with a nominal value of 103 (or 001 μF).

  1. Ignition coil. I can't say for sure which one will work better, I used a 12 volt coil from a Toyota A/M. I assume that it is better to use a coil to work with electronic ignition.

  1. Diodes used from a microwave oven at 0.35A 15000 V. They can withstand the load perfectly, even a short-term short circuit. In general, there are diodes up to 2.5 amperes, this is for very powerful smokers.

  1. Well, capacitors. Preferably 15,000 volts and approximately 560 pF. A spread of parameters of up to 25% in both directions will not deteriorate the quality of the rectifier assembled on them.

Block diagram

We collect all this according to the following scheme - it should turn out like this:

I removed the housing from the power supply, this makes it more convenient to mount it in the housing of the explosive power supply (but less safe). Pay attention to the markings of the diodes; they have stripes at one end indicating the cathode. In order to prevent high voltage from flashing during operation of the explosive unit, we fill all the terminals of the capacitors and diodes with glue from a glue gun. In addition to insulation, this will also add rigidity to the structure of the multiplier.

The multiplier is soldered like this:

After that, we mount everything in the case:

Well, here's the result. The maximum effective power of the explosive unit is written under the voltammeter.



An electrostatic smokehouse will help you prepare delicacies using the cold smoking method. Due to the high density of smoke created in the electrostatic field, the process occurs in an accelerated mode and allows you to prepare delicacies for the table in 1-2 hours (depending on the type of product and the thickness of the piece). The installation is easy to make at home. This will save money and save space in the apartment from caked old things.

Principle and stages of work

The operating principle of electrostatic smoking consists of the following steps:

  • Placement of semi-finished products into a container on a grid or hook;
  • Producing smoke from a smoke generator using smoldering wood chips or sawdust briquettes;
  • Smoking process. Using electricity, a positive charge is created in the device, which directs the smoke upward, condensing it into a dense mass. The cloud passes through the grid with a positive plus and encounters products with a negative pole. As a result of the collision, a discharge of electrical interaction occurs, during which ions penetrate the semi-finished product and allow hot smoke to penetrate deeper inside, speeding up the cooking process. Smoke is removed through a special pipe, so there will be no excessive smoke in the room.
  • Removing the product and cooling.

Compliance with safety rules when working with an electrostatic smokehouse is a must. When laying, pay attention to the location of semi-finished products. They should not come into contact with the container. When the unit is operating, do not touch the products or the unit. You can remove or add fish (meat) only after turning it off.

Composition of an electrostatic smokehouse

A do-it-yourself electrostatic smokehouse is simple to set up. Its main parts are:

  • Frame. It is allowed to use a metal or wooden (alternatively plywood) shell;
  • High voltage unit (up to 20 kV);
  • Smoke generator.

The basic structure of the smokehouse is presented in a diagram with which you can imagine the future design of a home-made unit.


One of the main purposes of the housing is to generate and maintain smoke density. This reason encourages the choice of a hermetically sealed box, which will later be equipped with a fitting for removing smoke. If the device will be used indoors with your own hands, then provide an outlet pipe (pipe).

Electrostatic smoking does not produce large amounts of smoke, so there is no need to worry about smoke in the room. The device is quite suitable for smoking food in the kitchen.

The dimensions of the body depend on the size and number of pieces for smoking. When designing the dimensions, it is important to understand that you cannot place a lot of products in a small smokehouse, but in a large one you need a powerful source of smoke. Smoking chamber with optimal dimensions – 600 (height) × 400 (width). Volume - up to 100 liters.

High voltage unit

Designed to generate high voltage for supply to the grid. Shown in more detail in the video:

To isolate the product from the metal casing, special fastenings for semi-finished products are used - dielectric rods. They are also used to equip supports for the mesh (if it is provided for in the design).

The voltage generator can be removed from the horizontal scan transformer of the TV. Vehicle ignition coils are also used. To connect, you need to connect one output wire to the hook and the other to the high-voltage chamber.

To view the electrostatic potential, an indicator is installed.

Smoke generator

Its purpose is to create a thick cloud of smoke due to the smoldering wood chips from fruit trees. It is acceptable to add aromatic substances to the generator to improve the taste and aroma of the delicacy. The smoke temperature is regulated by adjusting the length of the chimney.

Since the unit is electric, smoldering of the wood chips will occur upon contact with a heated surface from an electric stove or ceramic coil of another device. In the case of the latter option, it is necessary to insulate the heating element and prepare it for connection:

The heating element and the frying pan with sawdust are placed in a pan of suitable size and covered with a lid.

The smoke generator is connected to the smokehouse body.

The advantage of the method of cold smoking a product in an electrostatic smokehouse is the active diffusion process, during which almost all the smoke from the smoke generator is consumed, improving the taste and reducing the period of preparation of delicacies.

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The electrostatic device differs from a conventional smokehouse in the presence high voltage electric field, in which fish or meat is located during smoking.

This allows smoke components to reach the surface of the product faster.

As a result, The smoking process is accelerated several times while fully maintaining and even improving its quality. The technology is widely used in the food industry, but is also suitable for home use.

General diagram of an electrostatic smokehouse

High voltage generator strengthened closer to the cabinet so as not to lengthen the high-voltage wires. Smoke is generated from wood chips in a gas generator that is heated heat or gas burner.

Photo 1. A simple schematic representation of the structure of an electrostatic smokehouse. Only the main parts are indicated.

Fan ensures air flow through the damper. The wood chips should not receive too much air, otherwise it will ignite. Hot smoke passes through fridge, cooled with water to the required temperature, and enters the cabinet through union. Diameter the entire air and gas path is approximately 20—40 mm, at the fan input there must be an establishment damper (gate) to regulate air flow.

Which high voltage source should you choose?

The smoking cabinet must be supplied with a high voltage of 20-30 kW. For this purpose, a high-voltage voltage generator is used. At home it's possible build with:

  • car switch and ignition coil;
  • line scan of an old TV.

Generator from a car switch and ignition coil

This circuit can use a DC power supply with output voltage 12 V or charged car battery.

Pulses from a master oscillator (it can be a multivibrator or a blocking oscillator) imitate the action of a breaker, the commutator controls the primary winding of the bobbin, the ignition coil, and the bobbin (step-up transformer) then creates high voltage.

The master generator must have frequency within 1-2 kHz. The entire circuit is powered voltage 12 V and consumes current about 1-2 A.

From a line scan of an old TV

Pulses from the generator control the transistor as in the previous circuit (the switch also uses a transistor switch), lowercase transformer T1 works like a bobbin. The voltage pulses are rectified and smoothed by a voltage multiplier connected to the third winding. Its output is 20-25 kW constant voltage.

Attention! Don't touch the parts circuit while working, it is very dangerous.

Both options require master oscillators operating at specific frequencies. For the first scheme you need frequency within 1000-2000 Hz, and for the second 14000—16000 Hz. A frequency mismatch will either reduce efficiency or damage the high voltage coils or transistors.

Advice. It is preferable to use second scheme, since it is this that gives the best acceleration of smoke particles in the direction of the meat.

TO horizontal cascade from the TV must be used voltage is about 100 V, otherwise it will operate at greatly reduced power. To excite such a cascade, there must be a buffer cascade between the multivibrator and the base of the key transistor.

DIY cold smoking cabinet

The smoking cabinet is made made of wood. You shouldn't build it from textolite or getinax. These plastics contain phenols and cyanide compounds that are hazardous to human health. Metal the housing will cost more, it is more difficult to organize insulation in it.

Photo 2. Image of the internal structure of the electrostatic smokehouse chamber with explanations. Top (left) and bottom (right) parts.

Assembling a wooden cabinet dimensions approximately 70x50x100 cm. The hinged door must close the cabinet tightly. Positive electrode(anode) is made of galvanized sheet, which must be equipped with points protruding in the direction of the meat. These points create maximum electric field strength in the direction of the meat. Thanks to different electrical charges, all smoke particles reliably stick to the meat, creating ideal conditions for smoking.

The points are made using triangular cutting, bending the tin at a right angle. Instead of tin, you can use a metal grid made from wire yourself. Distance between the points - 5-7 cm.

Anode panels with points are positioned left and right from the middle (cathode) rod at a distance of 30-35 cm. Both parts of the anode are connected to each other by wire. The positive part of the circuit is grounded.

Insulator made of non-conductive material. Diameter the holes for the insulator must be at least 10-12 cm. This will prevent current from leaking to ground.

Cathode rod secured with a suspension made of non-conductive material of appropriate length. The cathode is connected to the negative side of the high-voltage generator.

Preparing for work

Having prepared the wood chips in the gas generator, loading the smokehouse chamber. The wood chips warm up, turn on the fan and regulate the flow of smoke into the chamber. When smoke begins to flow normally, close the cabinet door and turn on the high-voltage generator. Waiting for the process to finish.

After finishing smokers turn off the high-voltage generator and leave the cabinet without voltage for several minutes. Turn off the fan and gas generator. After the smoke has stopped emitting, you can unload the device.

Useful video

Watch the video that demonstrates an example of a homemade electrostatic smokehouse with a high-voltage generator: device, appearance, operating features.

Artem Shavelsky


A do-it-yourself electrostatic smokehouse will simplify the process of preparing smoked products, while the homemade device will not spoil the quality of the finished products. The smoking apparatus is quite popular; it is found in industrial enterprises, in suburban areas, in cottages and apartments.

There are 2 types of smoking devices - classic and electrostatic. The taste of the products is the same, the only difference is in the way the devices work. The difference in the devices lies in the presence of a high-voltage unit in the electric smokehouse, which is responsible for increasing the speed and depth of smoke penetrating into the food. Thanks to electrostatics, the rate of smoke diffusion increases, which leads to a reduction in the cooking time of smoked meats to several hours. It may take a week or more to get finished products in a classic smokehouse.

The smokehouse has its pros and cons. The advantages of an electric smokehouse include ease of operation and small dimensions of the device. The smokehouse weighs no more than 10 kg, which makes it possible to use it even in a small apartment on a balcony or in a garage. The smokehouse is made of stainless steel, making the device safe. A serious disadvantage of smokehouses is their high cost, but you can create the device yourself from scrap materials that can be found in the garage.

Principle of operation

The design of the electric smokehouse includes the following components:

  • Base made of dielectric, plastic or wood;
  • Electrostatic mesh suspension made of steel, copper or brass;
  • Smoke generator (smoke regulator);
  • Flue flow cooling system.

The operating principle of the electric smokehouse is as follows. Products must be hung on hooks inside the chamber. In the smoke regulator, smoke is produced using sawdust. After the entire chamber is filled with smoke, the electrostatic field begins to operate and the smoke is ionized. This smoke, directly passing through the positive voltage grid, is charged. The ions enter the workpieces, which are placed on the negative pole, evenly along the entire length. While the unit is operating, excess smoke is removed through the chimney. It usually takes from 30 minutes to several hours to prepare food. After processing the products, the voltage is turned off, the smoked meats must be ventilated for 6-12 hours and placed in the refrigerator or cellar for further maturation. The smoked product can be consumed within 3-4 days.

Operating rules:

  • Maximum temperature threshold 25 degrees Celsius;
  • Humidity less than 70%;
  • Do not touch food placed in a smokehouse that is plugged in;
  • Compliance with safety precautions when working with electrical equipment (do not get it wet, remove flammable elements, etc.);
  • Products cannot be hung next to the body and with each other; it is better to leave small gaps between the pieces;
  • Insulate live components;
  • Do not plug in the device when laying wood chips and products;
  • The structure itself should be located on a non-conductive, dry base (preferably on a rubber mat).

Types and classification

When transferring is possible, the following are highlighted:

  • Portable;
  • Stationary;
  • Folding models.

By purpose:

  1. Household devices;
  2. Industrial for manufacturing companies.

By heat treatment - cold, hot and semi-hot smoking.

Main types of cold smoked smokehouses:

  • With smoke regulator;
  • With water lock.


  1. Digital smokehouse. Sawdust is placed in the device, cooking parameters are set, the device executes them and turns off automatically. During operation, you can monitor and regulate actions. The device is intended for apartments and country houses.
  2. Stovetop smoker. The stove acts as an electric heating element; the smoke should be discharged through a pipe into the ventilation hole. The device is sealed and fully equipped. Suitable for restaurants, cafes.
  3. Smokehouse for an apartment. A small-sized device equipped with all the necessary functions. The maximum weight of loaded goods is 3.5 kg.

DIY electrostatic smokehouse

At home, using improvised means, you can only assemble an electric smokehouse for preparing cold smoked products. The general diagram is shown in the figure:

For self-assembly you will need:

  • Transformer TDKS;
  • Resistor up to 7 kOhm;
  • Transistor TE863;
  • Insulating cable;
  • Dielectric insulating rings;
  • Mesh made of steel, brass or copper.

This device is used for one-time loading of products weighing less than 6 kg. With greater weight, the speed of the smoking process will decrease significantly.

Electrostatic smoker made from an ignition coil and a car battery

To operate the device, a voltage supply of about 30 kW is required. To supply it, you need a DC voltage generator, which can be created from an ignition coil and a battery. The generator is presented as a simple circuit with a voltage source and a switch. Pulses should be supplied with a frequency of 1-2 kHz, mains voltage 12 V.

From the TV scan

You can make an electric smokehouse using spare parts from an old TV. Older TVs contained a scan board, which is what you will need for creation. In addition, a diagram is made on a line drawing, because The scan board alone does not control the power of the electrostatic field. The power of the high-voltage unit affects the dimensions of the final device - the older the TV and, accordingly, the more powerful the board, the greater the electric field and the larger the housing you can choose.

From car parts

For a smokehouse from a car, you can use a car coil. It can be used as a step-up transformer. The battery from the car will replace the power source.

From the microwave

High voltage diodes may be needed from the microwave oven. To operate, you will need diodes with a rating of 0.3A to 2.5A, which is determined based on the power.

From the refrigerator

An unnecessary refrigerator will serve as an excellent housing for the device. An electrostatic smokehouse from a refrigerator can be used both at home and in the country. The refrigerator turns out to be large and spacious; more products can be loaded there. Before making an outdoor version of the smokehouse, you need to decide on the place in which it will be installed. If possible, it is better to install the structure on a slope; the refrigerator itself should be located above the smoke generator. If the area is flat, then you need to dig a hole at the bottom of the smoke generator or place the base itself on a stand.

Duck house construction

A fairly convenient and compact device can be made from two ducklings. On one of the braziers, remove the handle from the lid and secure it to the bottom. The two ducklings are fastened together with screws. Holes are drilled specially for them. They also make holes for the chimney pipe. The remaining details are the master's imagination. For example, a grid for placing food can be taken from an old refrigerator or from a baby stroller.

DIY electrostatic cold smoker

The process of impregnating food with low-temperature smoke, which is formed during smoldering wood, is cold smoking. For meat pieces, the smoke temperature should be no more than 30 degrees, and for fish pieces - no higher than 45 degrees.

Detailed instructions for assembling a homemade model:

  • The rods should be fixed to secure the pieces. Fasteners should be selected from dielectric materials. If the smokehouse is made of metal, the products will need to be insulated using ebonite rings or dielectric rods.
  • It is necessary to make a cover in the housing on which a device for attaching the smoke exhaust part and a thermometer are installed.
  • The temperature control is carried out under the influence of a cooler with water. It is created from a plastic or metal coil with a diameter of 1.5 cm. The cooler is wound spirally onto the chimney, one end must be connected to the water tap, the other to the sewer.
  • At the bottom of the smoking chamber you need to install a mesh to which the anode is connected via an insulated cable.
  • Each piece of product should be placed on its own hook, the workpiece should be connected to the anode;
  • You need to close the lid of the device and light the wood;
  • As soon as the smoke begins to emit, you need to connect the transformer to the outlet. Important - immediately after lighting the wood chips, you must not turn on the electrostatic charge!

The optimal cooking time is determined experimentally. It is determined by the temperature of the smoke, the quantity and quality of chips, the voltage of the electric field, the humidity inside the chamber and the material of the electrodes.

Important! An electrostatic smokehouse requires 20-30 kW - this is a deadly value for humans. When removing finished products, you must follow all safety rules so as not to harm your health or pose a threat to life.

Review of electrostatic smokers existing on the markets

The market offers a variety of equipment for various purposes and from different manufacturers. If you do not have the necessary skill or ability to create an electrical device yourself, it is better to purchase a ready-made one. For constant cooking at home, small electrostatic smokers produced by the American manufacturer Greentechs, Russian Electra or Finnish Muurikka are suitable. These devices are small in size, have full functionality, are easy to use and are inexpensive, around 6 thousand rubles. They are used even in small rooms and are completely safe, and the food in them is as appetizing as in expensive professional equipment.

If you need a multifunctional smokehouse, you can purchase New Zealand Anuka devices. The devices cost about 12 thousand rubles, they are equipped with a smoke generator.

For daily preparation of large portions of fish or meat, you can purchase a Korean model from Kocateq or Landmann from Germany. They are more expensive, but there are no restrictions for home use. The units are large-sized, similar to devices that are used in production, but they can be used to prepare products in a streaming mode.

Electrostatic smoker Cosmogen

The Cosmogen company offers different types of smokehouses - for cold and hot smoking. There are both household and industrial devices on the market. The devices are multifunctional; they can be used to make smoked, dried, dried products, as well as combine cooking options. Devices from Cosmogen are high-quality, durable, effective and easy-to-use devices sold at a low cost.

Electrostatic smokehouse Izhitsa

For large enterprises specializing in the sale of smoked goods, you can choose smokehouses from Izhitsa. An example is the popular model Izhitsa 1200M. The 1200M device has the following parameters:

  • The largest single quantity of products is 100 kg;
  • The required area for the smokehouse is 2x2 m;
  • Power consumption 0.6 kW/hour;
  • Power supply – the basic configuration is 3 phase, 380V, 50 Hz; there is also a 1 phase configuration, 220V, 50 Hz.

Izhitsa smokehouses are known as time-tested, high-quality and inexpensive equipment. Cooking fish takes less than 3 hours, and the smoke generator helps destroy harmful bacteria.

Possible smoking problems and ways to solve them

  1. Possibility of electrical breakdown. You need to hang food at a distance from the bottom and walls of the smoking chamber to avoid breakdown. A breakdown is also possible if there are problems with insulation.
  2. Most problems in which the smoker does not reach the desired temperature or does not produce smoke are due to malfunctioning heating elements. In this case, they should be replaced.
  3. Incorrect choice of wood chips. You need to be able to choose the right wood, otherwise the taste of the product may deteriorate greatly. Trees with resin (spruce, pine, etc.) cannot be used in the smokehouse, as it will be released along with the smoke, poisoning the product. The best choice would be pear, apple, beech and other fruit trees. The wood chips must be dry.
  4. Bitterness. The product becomes bitter because of the wood chips - either during cold smoking they put in too much fuel and it emits highly concentrated smoke, or it is too wet. When hot smoking, you need to remove the products when the sawdust burns out (no more than an hour). When smoking begins on charcoal, the cooked product may turn black and begin to taste bitter.
  5. To prevent some of the decomposition products from depositing on the walls of the smokehouse, you need to adjust the level of the electric field potential.
  6. Before placing in the smokehouse, the products must be dried and blotted with a napkin to remove excess moisture. If this is not done, electric field breakdown may occur.
  7. The product must be ventilated after cooking, otherwise a pungent odor may remain. Meat or fish should spend at least 6 hours in the fresh air (preferably 12 hours).
  8. The unit cannot be made from synthetics. When exposed to high temperatures, toxic substances are released and penetrate into food, having a negative impact on health.

Products suitable for cooking in a smokehouse

Most cold-smoked dishes should be well marinated before cooking. Fatty foods are suitable for cold smoking. Fish such as mackerel, salmon, and various meat cuts give off excess fat and dry well. In addition, fatty foods retain their freshness well due to long exposure to smoke and can be stored for a month in the cold (cellar, refrigerator).

Chicken, seafood, and lean fish are suitable for hot smoking. Under the influence of high temperatures, products receive an appetizing crust, and the taste is delicate. The shelf life of the products is no longer than 5 days.

Smoked products are healthy; they do not contain harmful bacteria, which are killed by the field.

Safety precautions

When working with electrical devices, you must follow safety rules. High voltages can be fatal. To avoid negative consequences and maintain health, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • The smoking process should be performed in rooms with low humidity;
  • It is strictly forbidden to touch the device when it is turned on;
  • The base of the housing must be non-conductive;
  • You can only remove and touch workpieces when the device is unplugged;
  • Products should not come into contact with the walls or the mesh;