» Beautiful design of a small toilet with a sink. Interesting design of a small toilet. We do our own toilet repairs! Experiments with color

Beautiful design of a small toilet with a sink. Interesting design of a small toilet. We do our own toilet repairs! Experiments with color

A bathroom (or a separate room for a toilet) can rarely please with its large size. As a rule, this is a bathroom in which there is very little space and the atmosphere is depressing. State building codes do not provide for comfortable conditions even in modern buildings. However, there is still a way out of such a hopeless situation. The article contains the design of a small toilet: tips and photos.

Using modern technologies, finishing and plumbing materials, you can modify the design of a small toilet so that it compensates for the lack of space. There are certain visual techniques that can visually expand the walls and deceive the geometry of the space. With the right approach, this will create an atmosphere of comfort (instead of claustrophobia) even in such a small room.

Project planning

The modern design of a small toilet begins with careful consideration of all the details and taking measurements of the room. That is, you will need a pencil and paper. Next, it is necessary to provide in the project such basic points as:

  • Dismantling works;
  • Repair work;
  • Finishing activities;
  • Installation of modern equipment.

Each point needs to be described in detail and specific actions identified. The spatial capabilities of the room will be of key importance, which should be used as efficiently as possible. To do this, you need to pay attention to such inconspicuous places as room corners, various niches, areas near the toilet.

You should also ask yourself whether it is possible to hide plumbing and engineering communications in the thickness of the wall. Because if they were previously visible, this will allow you to gain extra meters of such important space. Further, the next point could be the arrangement of false walls, the installation of compact niches for storing household products, and placing water meters. However, first you will probably need to level the floor and wall surfaces. Once this has been decided, you can roughly imagine the free zones for installing plumbing equipment. It could even be a heating boiler if it is compact in size.

The last point will be the task of competent organization of lighting, which implies not only the selection of a suitable lamp, but also the installation of hidden cable wires in the room.

Design nuances

Despite the fact that we are all geniuses by nature, studying existing ideas, coupled with recommendations from experts, can help correctly determine the optimal materials for the implementation of the project. The unusual design of a small toilet is a complex and interesting task, the solution of which will delight home owners for many years. So, what tricks can be found in the public domain:

Experiments with color

You should carefully consider the color scheme, as it can visually increase the volume of the toilet.

In everyday clothing, we know that black makes us look slimmer, while light shades can add some weight. The same applies to the design of the bathroom. Ideal for a feeling of increased space, large ceramic tiles in milky white shades are suitable. However, there are actually many variations here. Beige, pink, blue, lemon - all these colors will work for good. The ceiling should also give the effect of height, airy space, and in no case should it put pressure on the owner.

A combination of snow-white elements of sanitary equipment with decorative chrome plating of metal parts will look good. It will be relevant to use a variety of ceiling skirting boards that harmoniously combine with the main finish. That is, the principle is clear. What you should avoid are dark tones and acidic shades. It’s better to stick to win-win pastels.

The chosen concept will determine the further appearance of the interior in a small toilet. Aesthetic design will most advantageously refresh the atmosphere of the bathroom and allow you to close your eyes to minor inconveniences.

The result will be better the more strictly the owner adheres to a certain concept, reproducing the style as in the photo.

For example, you can choose a popular design style called Provence. This is an original French invention that combines rustic motifs with a refined taste of decor. Where exclusively natural (wooden) materials, white panels and decoration with elaborate accessories are welcome.

Or modern high-tech, distinguished by its rigor and love for everything new and electronic.

But often the design of a small toilet is influenced by the interior design of the rest of the living space. That is, if the house is made in a classic style, where strict lines and elements of high art are responsible for comfort, then the bathroom should not stand out from the general rhythm. A toilet with a classic interior will be associated with elegant order when the owners adhere to style in everything.


Particular attention is paid to such an element of arranging a modest toilet as correctly positioned doors. It is strictly not recommended to install them in such a way that they open into the depths of a small room. Because this will be the obvious and biggest mistake. When choosing a product, you should pay attention to its appearance so that it blends harmoniously with the corridor, as well as quality.

It must be a moisture-resistant material that is not subject to deformation due to temperature changes or possible condensation.

Recently, practical plastic doors have been gaining popularity, gradually replacing the usual wooden ones.

The fact is that the latter, without the use of moisture-resistant technologies, lose their presentation after just a few years.


Let's consider two main types of finishing materials - wallpaper and tiles. The right choice of finishes can significantly brighten up a cramped toilet space. So, what characteristics should it have:


A classic finishing option, characterized by its universal practical properties. Among its advantages the following can be noted:

  • Ease of use and cleaning;
  • Resistance to the use of household chemicals;
  • Resistant to all kinds of odors.

Using the example of the design of a small toilet in a panel house, you can find out what recommendations experts offer. So, for a narrow space the following rules apply:

  • If the floor surface is rectangular in shape, then a special method of laying tiles of the same shape is used. It must be placed on a plane so that the long side meets the short wall of the room.
  • If, despite the cramped space in the bathroom, there is an excessively high ceiling, then the method of dealing with the disproportion is as follows. It is necessary to visually divide the room in two and cover its upper part with light tiles. The lower one, on the contrary, has a darker finish. This will reduce the annoying height to nothing.
  • When owners are embarrassed by a low ceiling with a quite tolerable width, they need to use oblong decor on the walls, tiles with contrasting line inserts.
  • And you can distract attention from the cramped space in a rather unusual way: lay tiles on all surfaces in a diagonal manner.

Just under no circumstances use small mosaics, which are only suitable for large rooms.

Likewise, you should not use tiles that are too large - large tiles can bring disharmony to the overall style of the space.


This type of finishing is distinguished by its good performance characteristics and relatively budget cost. The aesthetic side of the material can be combined with practical purposes if a suitable, moisture-resistant material is used. For example, vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base. They can be washed, and the range of their decor is amazing in its diversity. Because it can imitate different textures and have a unique design, practically indistinguishable from a photo.

Installation of modern equipment

It is quite obvious that the interior design of a small bathroom involves small-sized plumbing elements. For example, a wall-hung toilet boasts excellent ergonomic properties. The optimality of these units for a small toilet is explained by such points as:

  • Lack of visible utilities;
  • An open floor helps to visually expand the space and allows you to see interesting decor;
  • It is possible to install heated floors.

In addition, there are corner toilets. A good way to visually improve the bathroom is a miniature hygienic shower and the use of mini sinks. But the most modern plumbing invention is the combo toilet. This is an extremely ergonomic combination of components such as a bidet, toilet and sink. The latter is located directly on the top lid of the toilet tank. In this way, savings are achieved - water from the sink flows into the drain tank. Similarly, a hygienic shower can be attached to this model, with the hose carefully secured to the wall. The design of a small toilet with a water heater can also be done in a similar way. You just need to find a compact boiler.

Design of a small toilet with a combo toilet

Using time-tested techniques and modern technologies, a small bathroom can be transformed beyond recognition. His room will become wider, gain volume, and will no longer feel cramped. Design ideas will help with the design, and high-quality equipment will provide the required comfort.

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 6 minutes

The toilet does not pretend to be the “face” of the apartment, but it is still a frequently visited place, and therefore requires beautiful design. When creating a design project for a toilet room, you will have to put up with its integral feature - its modest size. A toilet in an apartment with a separate bathroom usually occupies a fairly small room, and at first glance it may seem that the cramped space inevitably limits the flight of design ideas. However, you will only need to familiarize yourself with a few ideas that will allow you to create an interesting and unusual design for a small toilet in order to refute this statement yourself.

According to SNiP standards, the minimum area of ​​a toilet in an apartment is 1.2 square meters. m. Unfortunately, many residents of old panel high-rise buildings have to be content with this minimum. Consequently, the key point of all design ideas when renovating a bathroom will be the desire to visually expand the space and exclude any solutions that visually or actually “eat up” this space.

Uniform bathroom style

Even if in your apartment the bathroom and toilet occupy separate rooms, ideally they should be decorated in the same style. This does not mean that they should be finished exactly the same, but the colors, textures, and decorative items in both rooms should overlap with each other. For example, when choosing ceramic tiles as a finishing material for a toilet and a separate bathroom, they can be from the same collection. When referring to a certain interior style, its elements must be present in both rooms, and the decorative items may be different, the main thing is compliance with the general concept.

Let's look at this idea with a concrete example. In the photo below you can see the interior of a small bathroom and a separate small toilet in the Provence style, thought out to the smallest detail.

Common elements:

  1. Color spectrum.
  2. Beautiful designer sanitary ware from one collection.
  3. Identical accessories - towel holders and towels themselves.
  4. Tile.

Please note: despite the fact that the walls of both rooms are tiled with the same tiles, due to different installation methods they look completely different. The bathroom and toilet are harmoniously combined with each other, but do not duplicate each other, having their own unique design that looks fresh and interesting and will not soon make the owners want to make a new renovation.

Correct color

With the help of well-chosen color schemes, even in the smallest room you can get rid of the feeling of cramping. Light pastel colors are best suited for a modest-sized toilet.

They will fill the room with coolness and emphasize the texture of objects:

  • ultramarine;
  • mint green;
  • lilac;
  • turquoise.

Also, in a small toilet all shades of gray, variations on the theme of mother-of-pearl and marble would be appropriate.

This does not mean that there is absolutely no place for deep, bright or dark shades in a small closet. They can be used in small quantities as a frame or to create an accent.

One of the options for color accenting in the toilet is to highlight the wall behind the toilet with a bright, rich color, contrasting with the overall decoration in pastel colors.

Ceramic tiles: shape, size and installation method

If, during the renovation of a small toilet, you opted for the classics - practical and effective tiles, pay great attention to its three parameters:

  • form;
  • size;
  • installation option.

When renovating a small toilet, it is best to choose:

  • medium-sized rectangular tiles;
  • a small square tile with invisible seams between the elements.

Be careful with square tiles! If the color and size are incorrectly chosen, it can evoke associations with a Soviet standard toilet.

The design of a small toilet does not allow the use of complex shaped tiles with many angles, which will break up and visually narrow the space.

Laying tiles

When renovating a small toilet, the tiles need to be laid end to end, the seams should be made non-contrasting, matching the color of the tiles.

  • You can expand a small toilet room using a diagonal laying method. In this case, do not forget to stock up on additional material, since the consumption of tiles during such installation increases.
  • For a toilet that has an elongated shape, you can use rectangular floor tiles laid with the long side along the shorter wall.
  • A good trick for expanding the space of a small toilet is to create a horizontal border at a height just below the middle of the wall. The upper part is decorated with tiles of a lighter shade, the lower - darker or more saturated.
  • To visually increase the height of the ceiling in the toilet, you can use vertical tile inserts in bright colors.


Lighting plays a big role in the visual transformation of the toilet space. A standard lamp over the door is not the best solution. A small toilet needs soft, diffused light. Use LED strip and popular spotlights and halogen lamps, the main thing is that they are protected from moisture.

Choosing a toilet

If during the renovation of the toilet you plan to also change its main element - the toilet - we recommend that you abandon the classic floor-mounted option. Opt for a hanging or built-in model - they not only significantly save space in a small room, but also make cleaning easier. In addition, they look very stylish and modern.

You may be interested in a new product in the world of plumbing - a toilet with a closed eco-system, on the cistern of which there is a sink, the water from which, after cleaning, is used for flushing. Such a toilet is doubly beneficial: in addition to saving water consumption, it allows you to calmly wash your hands even in a very small toilet that is not suitable for installing a washbasin.

Wallpaper and plastic panels

Despite the fact that tiles are the leader among toilet finishing materials in terms of practicality and ease of maintenance, it is worth considering an option such as wallpaper. Modern vinyl moisture-resistant wallpaper can be washed an unlimited number of times, and the possibilities for a variety of artistic design and decor are much wider than those of tiles. In addition, boring wallpaper is easy to re-stick, which cannot be said about tiles, and even annual cosmetic repairs will not take much of your time, effort and finances due to the small size of the room.

Also, as a finishing material for the toilet, designers recommend:

  • wallpaper for painting;
  • liquid wallpaper coated with a water-repellent composition;
  • non-woven wallpaper.

You can create the illusion of free space in a small room using wallpaper with panoramic images, landscapes with perspective, or a 3D effect.

Plastic panels are popular when decorating bathrooms in apartments due to their moisture resistance and preservation of the original appearance much longer than wallpaper. Wide long panels can visually increase the space, however, due to the use of lathing during their installation, they actually reduce the area, so they are still not the best choice for a small toilet.

Furniture and accessories

The design of a small toilet involves not only creating a beautiful appearance, but also maximum functionality. This means choosing the right accessories, as well as places to store the things you need in the bathroom.

An open shelf is allowed only for placing items on it that act as decorative elements: beautifully folded towels, shells, books, figurines.

Appropriate interior styles

Since a small dressing room cannot be overloaded with an abundance of accessories and decorative items - after all, there is simply nowhere to place them - to decorate it you need to choose one of the styles that allows you to express yourself in a laconic form.

  • Minimalism is characterized by restraint and an almost complete absence of decor. Calm color scheme with a minimum number of colors - no more than 2-3. The shape of the plumbing fixtures is simple, convenient; a wall-hung toilet would be the right choice. The lack of decoration in the toilet can be compensated for with an original mirror and an unusually shaped lamp.
  • Classic style is elegant and even chic, but not pretentious. Pastel classic colors are ideal for a modest-sized toilet; the toilet can have a simple streamlined shape or imitate antiquity. Both tiles and wallpaper are appropriate for decoration; borders are often used.

Decorating one of the smallest rooms in the apartment - the toilet - is not the easiest task. It is necessary to use even the smallest area optimally, placing, if possible, also a small sink. At the same time, the design of a toilet consists not only of the choice of finishing material, but also the development of the design of walls, floors, ceilings, and lighting.

Finishing materials

Since the toilet is a room that requires frequent cleaning using detergents, the requirements for finishing materials are high. They should wash well, not be afraid of water, not absorb odors, have a long service life and not change color for a long time. There are not many such materials. Most often these are ceramic, marble tiles or porcelain stoneware.

Porcelain tiles in the toilet - for those who do not want ceramic tiles, an excellent solution

The mosaic deserves special mention. These small squares look completely different. When combined correctly with tiles of normal formats, you can get many interesting options.

There is another material that appeared several years ago. These are decorative plasters. They come in different types with different characteristics. They also come with water-repellent properties, and many of them can be washed many times with brushes. They look modern and last for years. They are applied to leveled walls with special spatulas/spatulas made of plastic. The disadvantage of this type of finishing for the toilet is the high price. Another unpleasant point: there are few specialists who can lay decorative plasters at a sufficiently high level. There seems to be nothing complicated, but without experience there are a lot of “jambs” - visible seams, poorly ground components, unevenness, etc.

There is a more budget option - finishing with plastic panels. It is, of course, not as durable as tiles, but it also costs much less and is much easier and faster to install. If you need an inexpensive option, this is it.

Plastic wall panels - an economical option for toilet design. On the left - PVC wall panels in combination with washable wallpaper, on the right - an unusual color

Another cheap way to decorate a toilet is to cover the walls with washable wallpaper. But the durability of such a coating is relatively short, and the prices are not that low. In this case, there is a good way - to combine plastic panels and wallpaper: trim the lower part with plastic - to a height of about 1.5 m, and cover the rest of the space with wallpaper.

Color selection and design

When choosing a color scheme for finishing a toilet, you must proceed from the overall design of the apartment. In principle, the design of the toilet should not fall out of the overall concept. But no one will definitely change the tiles in the toilet every time after the wallpaper has been re-pasted. Therefore, neutral tones are often used - white, beige, gray. They are diluted with accessories to match the main design of the apartment. It turns out to be a universal option.

Toilet design in neutral colors is the best choice

When choosing a tone - light or dark - first of all they look at the size of the room. In most apartments the toilet is small - 2 square meters. m, maximum - 3 sq. m. This does not complicate the situation too much - such a situation occurs often, the solutions are known and worked out.

For a small toilet, light or combined tiles are more suitable. It is advisable to do the combination like this: dark bottom, light top. This division is not fashionable, but it visually makes the room much wider and more spacious. Look at the photo. The red and white toilet seems much wider than the beige ones, although in fact they are the same.

Horizontal division gives another effect: a clear edge seems to “fall apart” the walls to the sides, lowering the ceiling. In a narrow and tall room this is the desired effect. If you don’t like this toilet design - with a clear division - at all, do something similar, modifying the idea. For example, as in the photo below.

Black and beige toilet design

The idea is the same, the execution is different. The combination of black and beige is not as bright as with white, but it is more pleasing to the eye. The division is also horizontal, but it is not at the same level, and besides, the zebra tiles on the sides distract attention, also optically “pushing” the walls to the sides.

Two more photo examples. In the right picture, the wall farthest from the entrance has a dark color and there is a dark stripe on the sides. Visually, the strip pushes the walls apart, but the dark far wall seems to be even further away. In this case, this is not the right decision. It will look better if this wall is lighter than the side ones.

The design of the toilet in a standard apartment in the photo on the left was made using several techniques. The first is a horizontal division of the far wall, which visually brings it closer. The second is vertical stripes on the side walls, which serve the same purpose: to make the room more square, at least visually.

Another way to visually make the room not so high is to lay several rows of tiles that were used on the floor on the walls. It looks good, creating the illusion of lower ceilings.

The vertical stripes are interesting. Manufacturers of ceramic tiles also began to produce them in collections (like wallpaper) to make it easier to combine. All of their elements go well together, you just need to decide how many different types you will use - two, three or four. Some options for finishing the toilet with ceramic tiles can be seen in the photo.

The main color is light beige and two versions of tiles with patterns - one is pronounced, the other is barely noticeable. A rather complex version of combined tiles in the toilet - three colors, and even inserts with patterns... Such a toilet design must be drawn in design programs, otherwise it may turn out something strange Different combinations - simpler and more complex

As you understand, it is impossible to imagine all the toilet design options. There are too many options and variations, but we have outlined the main trends and methods.

Plumbing location

As you have seen, in many toilets, even small ones, they try to install a small washbasin. Fortunately, plumbing fixtures come in different shapes and sizes. For toilets, so-called mini-options are used. Their depth can be 20-30 cm, there are straight and angular, so, if desired, you can find an option for a variety of conditions.

Let's look at the most typical ways to locate a sink in a toilet. If the doors are positioned so that one of the walls is a little larger, you can put the sink on this wall. In this case, the toilet is placed traditionally - closer to the opposite wall.

With the same layout, you can choose another option - place the toilet (and a bidet if desired) along the long wall, and place the mini-sink in the corner.

Another option for placing plumbing fixtures is a toilet and bidet along a long wall, a sink in the corner

Just keep in mind that the width of the passage must be at least 60 cm. Otherwise it will be very inconvenient. This means that this option for arranging plumbing fixtures can be implemented if the width of the toilet room is at least 1.2 m.

You can choose plumbing fixtures for a very narrow and small toilet, with an area of ​​no more than 2 square meters. m. There are models of toilets that can be placed in a corner. It can be combined perfectly with a corner sink.

Corner toilet - a solution for a small toilet

Color and type

In most cases, plumbing fixtures are chosen to be white. But it can be in different colors: red, black, pink, etc. Another thing is that colored toilets or sinks are mainly supplied to order, and you have to wait several weeks for them. But you can purchase any color.

If possible, it is better to install a console toilet in a small toilet. Due to the fact that it rests on the wall, and not on the floor, it does not look so massive, and it is also more convenient for cleaning. Its downside is the high price. Its installation requires a fairly powerful base, which is hidden behind the false panel. This wall can be made:

Installation of a console toilet - video

The principle of installing a console toilet is demonstrated in the video. The sequence of actions is clearly and clearly described.

Lighting in the toilet

Traditionally, ceiling lighting is used in the toilet - one light bulb, and not a very powerful one, is enough for a small space. But lighting is also one of the design methods that can be used to play up even simple tiles, creating interesting lighting effects.

There is no need to give up the light source at the top; you can just add a few lamps in the interior. If you have shelves, make them illuminated. For this purpose, it is more convenient to use It, although it does not have a noticeable effect on the degree of illumination, but it looks good (pictured on the left). Another option is to install lamps in the wall. These may be ordinary built-in models, but they look very unusual on the wall (pictured on the right).

There is another option - to mount the lighting along the bottom of the wall. It will be easier to do if you can find lamps that match the dimensions of the tiles and calculate their position so that they fit completely. If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t matter, but the tiles will have to be cut.

Bottom lighting is an interesting option

The technical requirements for lighting fixtures for the toilet are standard - there should not be high humidity, so you can buy any model.

Photos of toilets in an apartment of unusual design

Let's start with the practical component. In many apartments, the technical rooms are so small that it is very difficult to find a place for a washing machine. First of all, this applies to Khrushchev buildings, but other typical high-rise buildings rarely indulge in spaciousness. If this is your case, you can try installing a washing machine in the toilet. There are two options - find a special machine - as in the photo on the left, or install it in a specially made niche covering the pipes. Only the base is required to be powerful, and the machine to have a minimum level of vibration.

Now let's move on to the design delights. Let's start with the floor. In recent years they have become fashionable, and they can be made with a 3D effect.

The image on the floor can be anything, without restrictions. This is a haven for lovers of non-standard solutions and extreme sports...even if only in the toilet.


Photo printing can also be done on walls. Images are transferred onto ceramics with photographic precision. As a result, you can feel like you are on top of a mountain before the start of a ski competition, for example...

Feel like a skier...

There are some pretty weird tile collections out there. For example, in the form of windows of high-rise buildings. It looks interesting, but how comfortable you can feel in such a place is the question...

And if desired, even ordinary finishing materials can be arranged in such a way that you get a masterpiece toilet design.

The whole throne...

If the size of the bathroom is small, then before you go crazy with the decor and design, you should think through the main points. The interior of a small toilet should be worked out in detail, taking into account the functional purpose of the room. The right choice will increase the space visually.


In people's understanding, the bathroom and toilet are one, even if they are separated by a wall. Therefore, in the bathroom area, the same materials, colors, shapes, textures and decorative elements of the risers are used as in the adjacent bathroom. The design of both rooms should be the same.

Before renovating your bathroom, you should:

  • replace old pipes with new PVC;
  • hide sewer risers and water pipes under plasterboard structures (they are easier to dismantle if the need arises);
  • install new plumbing (a wall-hung toilet can be installed before finishing the walls, and a floor-standing toilet can be installed after the decoration of the bathroom is completed);
  • lay tiles and sheathe walls;
  • install small lamps (a chandelier in the bathroom will only reduce the size of the room).


It is better to create using ceramic tiles, panels and multi-colored mosaics. They are easy to clean, tolerate chlorine cleaning agents well and do not absorb odors. Of course, today there are a large number of different materials on the market that can be used in the bathroom. But ceramic tiles are a win-win option. With its help, you can not only maintain perfect cleanliness, but also double the area of ​​the room. How? It is enough to cover the walls with tiles with a non-contrast imitation of the material: fabric, sand, stone, etc.

In a small room combined with a toilet, it is better to use rectangular tiles on the walls and mosaic tiles on the floor. But polygonal materials should not be used. The design created with their help will only reduce the space.

The tiles need to be laid joint to joint, but not necessarily from floor to ceiling. You can tile 2/3 of the wall and paint or panel the rest. The size of the room may decrease after applying decorative materials. Therefore, water-based paint can be a good alternative.

Related article: Mosaic in bathroom design (+50 photos)

Another option is waterproof wallpaper. This design of a toilet room combined with a shower has been used in England for a long time. An alternative to covering toilet walls with ceramic or stone tiles is to use textile wallpaper, which tolerates moisture well and is easy to clean. In addition, the surfaces exposed to the greatest amount of water – above the sink – are lined with natural stone. A bright piece of art became a successful chord in completing the extraordinary design of the bathroom.

Color design

To visually increase the size of the room, you should think about the color design of the room in advance.

Deep and rich dark colors cannot be used in a small bathroom. You should consider decorating the room in soft, pastel colors. Bright accessories in the colors of ultramarine, mint, lilac and turquoise will help to dilute the color. You can use these same shades to highlight a specific accent, for example, creating a graphic panel or an intricately shaped lamp.

You can update the interior of a small bathroom with multi-colored tiles. Moreover, the smaller the space, the bolder the color combination should be. You can cover the entire surface with pastel-colored tiles, and decorate the wall behind the toilet with a brighter color.

To prevent the decor in the room from reminiscent of a sterile operating room, you should dilute it with bright accents on a small section of the wall. Pastel-colored lamps and warm-colored decorative elements will look great together with white plumbing fixtures.

Another option is to combine white tiles and wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern. The design of a room combined with a shower, made in marble tiles, looks very luxurious. An artificial analogue will not spoil the appearance in any way, but the strength, wear resistance and manufacturability of the material will be significantly worse.

Related article: Bathroom finishing with modern plastic panels - design and installation

Against the background of dark tiles, white sanitary ware looks more sparkling. But you only need to lay it on the floor. To enhance the effect of expanded space, you can use mirror, glass and glossy surfaces. But they must be used very carefully.

In order not to create a depressing atmosphere in the room, you should combine materials and their colors.

Bright toilet

Those who do not want to put up with snow-white bathrooms and refrain from dark colors should use the design project block. For example, make the surface of the bathroom bright or use rich colors in tiles or wallpaper.

Canvases with bright prints allow you to create a festive, but not practical decoration. It is better to use bright accessories against the background of white wall decoration.

Mosaic tiles, which are laid out in blocks, not only allow you to create bright inserts and panels. With its help you can veneer uneven surfaces, roundings and arched niches. And if the design of the room combined with a shower is diluted with a colorful pattern on one of the walls, then you will get a non-trivial background for snow-white plumbing fixtures.

You can get rid of the feeling of sterility in the room without bright spots. It is enough to use three neutral pastel shades to decorate the walls to give the room a new look.

Style selection

The interior of a toilet in an apartment can be decorated in almost any style: from Feng Shui to Renaissance. But not everyone will like a small room in gold color.

To ensure that the design of the room complies with Feng Shui, you should select plumbing fixtures and accessories in soft, blue, green shades that go well with the elements of water.

The most risky bathroom design is in black and white. For a small room, the amount of white should exceed. The best option is black edging of the lower part of the walls against the background of white design of all other surfaces.

If the bathroom walls are painted with washable paint, then you can decorate one of them with an unusual design, photograph, painting or sticker.

For anyone who is concerned about the upcoming renovation or reconstruction of a toilet room, we offer a selection of 60 interesting design projects that we have collected for homeowners with different taste and stylistic preferences, in a wide range of color schemes and for different financial budget levels.

When starting to plan a toilet renovation, it is important to remember that in addition to aesthetic appeal, all materials used to decorate the room must be resistant to moisture, easy and quick to clean, and withstand the effects of chemical cleaning agents.

Currently, the market for finishing materials for bathrooms offers a wide selection of all kinds of products that meet all the requirements for presence in a small but important functional segment of the home. Starting with ceramic tiles and ending with moisture-resistant wallpaper, laminated panels, glass and plastic - everything works to create a unique, practical and rational design of utilitarian premises.

Let's take a closer look at the design projects of toilet rooms with different types of finishes, colors and stylistic trends.

Snow-white finish - cleanliness and freshness for small rooms

The toilet is a room that, like no other utilitarian space in a house or apartment, needs to create a fresh, almost sterile atmosphere. Of course, a light color palette in the decoration of the toilet room will lead to a feeling of cleanliness and comfort. Considering the small size of the room, the white color in the design will also help in visually expanding the space.

In order not to make the toilet look similar to a sterile operating room, add a couple of accents in other colors to the snow-white interior, not necessarily very bright or contrasting, just a small section of the wall, decorated with a material different from the main one.

An alternative to a snow-white shade can be colors from the pastel group; light and delicate shades will look advantageous together with white sanitary ware and the warm color of decorative elements.

Combining white ceramic tiles and light-colored wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern can be an excellent option for decorating a small space.

When creating a modern bathroom interior, many designers try to hide as many communications and engineering systems as possible behind false panels or use built-in plumbing options. But some professionals, who are drawn to the retro style, prefer to deliberately display all communication systems, presenting them as part of the decor, and not just a functional segment.

The use of light-colored marble tiles adds a touch of luxury to the interior. The use of an artificial analogue will be an equally successful way of finishing in terms of appearance; modern technologies make it possible to achieve absolute identity. The differences remain only in such material properties as strength, wear resistance and manufacturability.

When decorating a toilet room, you can completely dispense with the use of stone or ceramic tiles, and this slightly oriental design is an example of this. The contrasting combination of dark wood and snow-white walls and ceilings created a room filled with light, cleanliness and spaciousness, which only a utilitarian room is capable of.

Dark color palette for an original toilet design

Against the background of a dark finish, snow-white plumbing looks even cleaner and sparkling. For those homeowners whose toilet size allows the use of dark colors to decorate surfaces, we offer several unusual interior options for a room with a toilet.

The contrast that can be achieved by integrating snow-white plumbing into the frame of a dark room creates a truly interesting design.

Dark, deep shades in wall decoration go well with light flooring. To visually expand the space, you can use mirror, glass and glossy surfaces.

The dark gray walls of the bathroom became a contrasting addition to the snow-white floor and ceiling; original decorative items and lighting complemented the minimalist atmosphere.

The almost black decoration of the room became the backdrop for the unusually shaped toilet and the most beautiful piece of decor, which is the focal point of this small but interesting, from a design point of view, room.

This powder room is an example of how you can successfully combine dark shades with a natural, warm palette to decorate all surfaces of the room. The interior, with a slightly Asian twist, gives the impression of luxury and wealth.

Despite the use of a rather dark color palette to decorate the room, it does not look gloomy. Combining different materials and their colors made it possible to create an interesting design filled with chic and brilliance. Decorative items and the unusual design of a large chandelier played an important role in creating an interesting interior.

Bright interior of the toilet room - finishing features

For everyone who is not ready to put up with the snow-white surfaces of sterile bathrooms and prefers to refrain from using dark colors in the interior of any rooms - our next block of toilet design projects.

Why not use bright, rich colors of tiles or wallpaper to decorate bathroom surfaces? If the size of the room allows it, and your taste preferences lean toward a spectrum of bright colors, you need to act based on your own preferences, without looking at trends and modern trends in the field of interior design.

By combining white ceramic metro tiles and wallpaper with a bright active print, you can create a festive, but at the same time practical wall decoration. The white and black floor covering and a similar design option for the edges of the facing tiles became a harmonious completion of the image of the toilet.

Another example of using the combinatorics of white and colored surfaces in the toilet room. Thanks to unusual decorative elements, it was possible to create a truly non-trivial room design.

Using mosaic tiles, which are produced in small glued blocks for ease of cladding, you can create interesting inserts and panels against the background of light-colored toilet walls. Mosaic tiles are also convenient because they allow you to cover uneven surfaces, curves and arched niches, and protrusions.

Thanks to the abundance of mirror surfaces, the lighting system and unusual decorative elements, it was possible to create a truly interesting interior design for the toilet room.

Combining wallpaper with a variegated pattern and mosaic tiles in wall decoration allows you to create an interesting and non-trivial background for plumbing fixtures in white tones.

A bright, scarlet accent wall became the center of attention, because quite large decorative items were placed against its background. The slightly decadent atmosphere was complemented by a mirror in a carved frame.

By using wood paneling and painting on the glass partition, we were able to present an interesting, unusual design for the toilet room.

The interior of this toilet room cannot be called bright; rather, it is sparkling and brilliant. The corrugated mirror surface became a way to present an accent wall.

An alternative to covering toilet walls with ceramic or stone tiles is to use textile wallpaper, which tolerates moisture well and is easy to clean. In addition, the surfaces exposed to the greatest amount of water – above the sink – are lined with natural stone. A bright piece of art became a successful chord in completing the extraordinary design of the bathroom.

Just three neutral shades used to decorate the toilet made it possible to create an interesting design for a small room.

Unusually shaped toilets as a way to diversify bathroom design

We bring to your attention several images of toilet rooms, in which the center of attention was not the decoration of the room, but the main piece of plumbing for any toilet - the toilet. Square or rectangular, oval and egg-shaped, built-in and hanging, miniature or, on the contrary, large-scale models of plumbing fixtures have become highlights when creating interiors for home utilitarian premises.

Minimalism as an option for arranging a small room

No other interior style is as suitable for modest-sized rooms as minimalism. Modesty and austerity of the decor is preferable for small enclosed spaces, and in city apartments, toilets are just such small rooms. In addition, monitoring the cleanliness of a room in which there is no unnecessary decor, and from all the furnishings there are only plumbing fixtures, is much simpler and more effective.

Wood and stone always go well together in the decoration of rooms, even utilitarian ones. Natural materials with opposite – cool and warm energy – bring a peaceful atmosphere to any interior.

Only the variety in the decoration of the room and the contrasting shades attract our attention in this toilet room. No unnecessary decorative items or plumbing accessories, flowers or shelves. Only a combination of smooth snow-white surfaces with wooden slatted wall finishing techniques.

And finally, two images of toilet rooms, created specifically for book lovers, for whom the toilet is like an office. For some homeowners, the closet is the only place where walls or shelves can be used to display collectibles or souvenirs brought from various travels.

100 BIG ideas for a SMALL toilet