» Reed feather grass. Feather grass fireworks - photo of the plant, growing from seeds. Ornamental grasses and cereals: cultivation and care

Reed feather grass. Feather grass fireworks - photo of the plant, growing from seeds. Ornamental grasses and cereals: cultivation and care

Feather grass is a perennial grass. It belongs to the cereal family. Around the world, the plant has over 300 species, while in our country only 80 grow.

The stem of the plant is straight and has hard and thin leaves. Its inflorescences are small and dense in the form of panicles. It is very well adapted to the steppes, where it grows. It is usually found in the steppes and rocky slopes of Eurasia.

Description of feather grass

This grass, growing in semi-deserts and steppes, has no creeping roots and forms dense turf. Its stem is straight, the leaves are narrow and folded lengthwise, sometimes almost flat. The racemose panicles are very dense and small. The spikelets are membranous, long and pointed at the top, leathery underneath, and in cultivated species they can reach a length of up to 2.5 cm.

The name of the plant comes from the Greek word stupe, which means tow. The seeds of this grass spread in an original way; they are carried by the wind. The seeds fly quite far from the mother plant, but do not reach the soil immediately. They get stuck in thick grass and old dried leaves and stems.

In the dark, when dew falls, the grass hides. The lower knee, twisted into a spiral, begins to gradually unwind and presses the entire stem to the ground, the weevil, in turn, strongly screws into the ground. In the morning, when the sun rises, it unwinds, but does not come out of the soil, since the grain is covered in small, hard bristles that catch on the soil. Therefore, the grain breaks off, and part of its top remains in the ground.

Plant species

Exists several varieties of feather grass. For example:

In the Russian steppes you can also find species such as:

  • Narrow-leaved feather grass;
  • Feather grass is reddish;
  • And many other types.

Herbal treatment

It is impossible not to say about medicinal properties of herbs. This plant contains a lot of cyanogenic compounds, including trigloquinine. They are very important biologically active substances. Since cyanogenic compounds contain strong acids, they can be poisonous in large quantities. Whereas, in small doses they can anesthetize and calm.

The main area where the medicinal properties of this plant are used is the treatment of the thyroid gland. The leaves of the herb are crushed and made into a milk decoction, as well as lotions and poultices for goiter.

In medical books, this plant is found under the guise of feather grass (Stipa pennata L.). Grass is collected during the flowering period, from the end of May to mid-July. For various tinctures it is used in dried form. Also in the fall, roots and grass are dug up and used for treatment. Decoctions from feather grass are used to treat the thyroid gland, and decoctions based on the roots are used for paralysis.

Currently, feather grass is also gaining demand in the form of decoration. They decorate the premises, making a herbarium. As an ornamental plant it is planted in rock gardens.

Care and reproduction

This herb reproduces by seeds, but sometimes by dividing the bush, which is carried out in April or August. Doesn't give self-seeding. It is necessary to plant grass in the driest area that will not be flooded by groundwater. If the site is damp, good drainage and a high location will be necessary. Moderate watering will be needed when the plant takes root, after which it no longer needs watering. In autumn, it is necessary to prune shoots that have already faded, but the leaves should not be touched.

Feather grass plant

Herbs add beauty to the garden all year round. Even in winter, their heads, covered with snow caps, rise above the white snowdrifts. And in early spring they will be the first to delight you with delicate greenery. Herbs can be called a symbol of perseverance and perseverance. Herbs are characterized by lightness, which is lacking in plants with more massive leaves.

Unfortunately, we have recently become interested in growing herbs. Once upon a time, numerous species of feather grass covered the steppes like a silky carpet. Today, many of them are considered endangered species listed in the Red Book. The decorative value of these cereals is associated with the fluffy part of the seeds, which helps them scatter over vast distances.

This is a very simple plant to grow, however, it does not tolerate transplantation at all. This is a plant that loves warmth and sunlight. Feather grass grows well in well-drained soil, completely intolerant of stagnant water. The most beautiful of the steppe grasses is feather grass; it prefers slightly alkaline, fertile soils, and is not afraid of winds or direct sunlight. Feather grass is unusually beautiful during the period of short-term flowering, when the silky awns sway in time with gusts of wind. It is imperative to control weeds in the area where the feather grass grows. To enhance the decorative effect, it is necessary to mulch the soil between the plants with expanded clay or fine gravel.

Slowly reproducing feather grass can be propagated by seeds, but to wait for flowering, you will have to wait 10-15 years. You can divide the overgrown clump in early spring.

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Feather grass - fashion trends in landscape design, garden in the “prairie” or “naturgarden” style

Feather grass is a fairly well-known plant that belongs to the cereal family. It is a grass from 30 cm to a meter high, with a short rhizome (not creeping) and a rather dense bush. The feather grass plant is perennial and reproduces by seeds. In nature there are about 300 species of feather grass. About 80 of them grow in our country. Under natural conditions of the steppes it often forms dense turf, but due to active agricultural activity it is now rare.

Feather grass leaves are thin and hard, reminiscent of wire, sometimes even twisted into a tube. The stems are erect and also thin. Feather grass flower releases in the form of a dense paniculate inflorescence-spikelet at the end of May. It has a very original structure, in which the grain is located in the lower flower scale, which has a callus (pointed apex) and an awn. The bristles on the spikelet are located in the opposite direction to the awn, and the awn itself is twisted into a spiral.

Use in landscape design

Due to its modest and natural beauty, feather grass is often found in gardens and flower beds (what feather grass grass looks like can be seen in the photo below). In addition to its natural charm, this plant has another important advantage - unpretentiousness.
Of course, this does not apply to all varieties, since some of them, due to different natural growing conditions, require special care in the climate of our country. With the help of feather grass, you can create spectacular compositions that imitate the natural combinations of steppe plants. Its thin spikelets are mesmerizing, fluttering in the wind with smooth lines. It looks especially beautiful when it is planted in a large dense group.

For creating naturgarden (natural garden), next to the feather grass it is recommended to plant those plants that will look natural in combination with it, as if they were to be seen in a meadow. These are, of course, other cereals: fescue, foxtail, miscanthus and others.

Also looking impressive next to scabiosa feather grass, especially in bright, rich shades, poppies, heather, sage, hyssop, chamomile, echinacea, decorative onions or garlic. Moreover, feather grass can act both as the basis of a composition and as a background for more striking opponents.

Recently, landscape designers have been coming up with new and original combinations, and now cereals are favorably highlighting the beauty of rose gardens. Moreover, they look more advantageous next to climbing roses or varieties with miniature flowers.

Feather grass will fit perfectly into the plant environment of the pond next to heucheras, irises, sedges and reeds. Although it is better to place it not at the very edge of the water, since this is not a coastal plant, but, for example, along the path to the pond.

Feather grass can grow a thick strip along the board fence, filling the space between the picket fence, and thus emphasizing the division of garden space. It will look no less beautiful next to a fence or near pergola pillars.

Despite the fact that feather grass is a steppe plant, it can be planted next to ornamental bushes, for example, Thunberg barberry or turf. It harmonizes no less beautifully with some conifers, especially dwarf varieties. Therefore, feather grass is quite appropriate on an alpine hill.

The use of feather grass in landscape design is not limited to the above, so designers continue to delight the gardener with new ideas for beautiful compositions.

Growing from seeds

The easiest way to propagate feather grass is by dividing the bush when it reaches good density. However, if it is not yet in the garden, then all that remains is to sow the seeds.

Growing feather grass from seeds does not require any special knowledge or effort. Varieties that grow in the climate of our country can be safely sown before winter - that is, in the fall directly into the ground in a permanent place. To do this, make a hole about 3 cm deep, moisten the soil and pour 3-4 seeds into it. In the same way, sowing is carried out in late April-early May during spring planting.

The soil can be purchased at the store or prepared in the fall from your garden. Feather grass is not a demanding plant, so it has no special preferences for soil. Rather, he prefers not too fertile soil. You can sow the seeds directly into separate cups, since the feather grass sprouts are thin and fragile and can be easily damaged when planted from a common container.

Sowing is usually done in March. The seeds are not planted deeply and the soil is periodically moistened. Shoots usually appear in 4 days. Seedlings are planted in the ground in May.

The photo shows the finest feather grass “Pony Tails”

When sowing feather grass seeds in the ground or through seedlings, the distance between plants is made about 20 cm. Basic care comes down to periodically weeding out the weeds. If desired, you can mulch the soil.

Frequent watering or fertilizing is not required, since feather grass is the plant is steppe and is accustomed to drought. The main thing is to choose a good sunny place for it, where it will not be threatened by groundwater located close to the surface, since he doesn’t like excess moisture. Also, feather grass does not really like acidic soils, so if the acidity level is high, it is necessary to add lime.

If the feather grass bush has become dense enough, it can be divided in the spring. This is not only a method of propagation, but is also useful for the plant itself, so that it blooms more effectively.

What is feather grass like?

Despite the fact that quite a few varieties of feather grass are known, only a few of them are used for landscape design (photos and descriptions are attached):

Feather grass in the garden. Signs

Like many other plants, feather grass has its own halo of signs and beliefs. For example, it is generally accepted that this herb cannot be stored in the house, since it is also called widow’s grass, and if it is in someone’s home, he will become a widow. This belief is connected with the fact that in the distant past, the raids of nomads occurred precisely at the time when the feather grass was blooming, and people began to identify the spikelets of the feather grass with the hair of mothers and wives gray from sorrow.

However, there is also a belief that feather grass is a sacred plant of the spirits of the steppes, and if a person hides a bunch of feather grass under his shirt, the spirits of the steppe will take him under their protection and cleanse him of past adversities.

This means that it is better not to place feather grass in the house, but it is quite possible to grow it in the garden!

prairie garden

The video below shows how to create an American-style garden reminiscent of scenes from Western films. Plants like feather grass, and it itself, although it is a typical plant of the Russian steppe, will be able to show their best side in such a garden.

Feather grass: description, propagation, care, planting, use in the garden, photos, varieties and types

For dry areas exposed to all the winds and sun, feather grass is suitable - the most beautiful of the steppe grasses. The long, silky awns of feather grass, pliable to the slightest breath, attract the eye during flowering time (late May - June). The only drawback is the short flowering time.

Description of feather grass

Feather grass forms dense turf and does not tolerate transplanting. After this, he gets sick for a long time, so plan the area for feather grass in advance. This could be a focal point in the lawn or a spot in the rock garden.

Plant feather grass turfs densely, at a distance of 20-25 cm. Carefully fight weeds in the rows, remove shoots of foreign grasses from feather grass clumps in a timely manner. To enhance the decorative effect, it is useful to mulch the soil between plants with fine gravel or expanded clay.

Planting feather grass: Feather grasses prefer fertile soils, respond well to organic fertilizers and somewhat dislike acidic soils.

Reproduction of feather grass

Feather grasses reproduce slowly. From time to time you can divide overgrown clumps in early spring. Cut them into 2-3 pieces with a sharp tool (smaller pieces are less viable).

You can also try sowing seeds. It takes 10-15 years from sowing to flowering. Feather grass emerges only during winter sowing, forming very tender seedlings.

Varieties and types of feather grass

The most unpretentious is Lessing's feather grass (S. lessingiana), or feather grass. He tolerates the transplant better than others. However, the awns in the inflorescence of this species are shorter than those of others.

In the middle zone, feather grasses are quite cold-resistant; wireworms can cause some damage to them. Soggy soil is completely unsuitable.

Feather grass is a fairly well-known plant that belongs to the cereal family. It is a grass from 30 cm to a meter high, with a short rhizome (not creeping) and a rather dense bush. The feather grass plant is perennial and reproduces by seeds. In nature there are about 300 species of feather grass. About 80 of them grow in our country. Under natural conditions of the steppes it often forms dense turf, but due to active agricultural activity it is now rare.

Feather grass leaves are thin and hard, reminiscent of wire, sometimes even twisted into a tube. The stems are erect and also thin. Feather grass flower releases in the form of a dense paniculate inflorescence-spikelet at the end of May. It has a very original structure, in which the grain is located in the lower flower scale, which has a callus (pointed apex) and an awn. The bristles on the spikelet are located in the opposite direction to the awn, and the awn itself is twisted into a spiral.

Ripe seeds are spread by the wind. But there is another method, due to the unique structure of the spikelet. Under the influence of dew or rain, the stems of the feather grass take root to the ground, the spiral-shaped awn straightens slightly from moisture, and, like a corkscrew, is screwed into the ground. The scales prevent her from getting back out. Then the spikelet dries out and breaks off, and the seeds remain in the soil.

Use in landscape design

Due to its modest and natural beauty, feather grass is often found in gardens and flower beds (what feather grass grass looks like can be seen in the photo below). In addition to its natural charm, this plant has another important advantage - unpretentiousness.
Of course, this does not apply to all varieties, since some of them, due to different natural growing conditions, require special care in the climate of our country. With the help of feather grass, you can create spectacular compositions that imitate the natural combinations of steppe plants. Its thin spikelets are mesmerizing, fluttering in the wind with smooth lines. It looks especially beautiful when it is planted in a large dense group.

For creating naturgarden (natural garden), next to the feather grass it is recommended to plant those plants that will look natural in combination with it, as if they were to be seen in a meadow. These are, of course, other cereals: , foxtail, and others.

Also looking impressive next to scabiosa feather grass, especially in bright, rich shades, poppies, heather, sage, hyssop, chamomile, echinacea, decorative onions or garlic. Moreover, feather grass can act both as the basis of a composition and as a background for more striking opponents.

Lately, landscape designers have been coming up with new and original combinations, and now cereals highlight the beauty. Moreover, they look more advantageous next to varieties with miniature flowers.

Feather grass will fit perfectly into the plant environment of the pond next to irises, sedges and reeds. Although it is better to place it not at the very edge of the water, since this is not a coastal plant, but, for example, along the path to the pond.

Feather grass can grow a thick strip along the board fence, filling the space between the picket fence, and thus emphasizing the division of garden space. It will look no less beautiful next to a fence or near pergola pillars.

Despite the fact that feather grass is a steppe plant, it can be planted next to ornamental bushes, for example, Thunberg barberry or turf. It harmonizes no less beautifully with some conifers, especially. Therefore, feather grass is quite appropriate for.

The use of feather grass in landscape design is not limited to the above, so designers continue to delight the gardener with new ideas for beautiful compositions.

Growing from seeds

The easiest way to propagate feather grass is by dividing the bush when it reaches good density. However, if it is not yet in the garden, then all that remains is to sow the seeds.

Growing feather grass from seeds does not require any special knowledge or effort. Varieties that grow in the climate of our country can be safely sown before winter - that is, in the fall directly into the ground in a permanent place. To do this, make a hole about 3 cm deep, moisten the soil and pour 3-4 seeds into it. In the same way, sowing is carried out in late April-early May during spring planting.

However, seeds are not always able to survive the winter or withstand spring frosts. Therefore, in order for the feather grass to decorate the garden already this season, it is better to sow it in seedlings. In addition, heat-loving varieties are grown only as seedlings.

The soil can be purchased at the store or prepared in the fall from your garden. Feather grass is not a demanding plant, so it has no special preferences for soil. Rather, he prefers not too fertile soil. You can sow the seeds directly into separate cups, since the feather grass sprouts are thin and fragile and can be easily damaged when planted from a common container.

Sowing is usually done in March. The seeds are not planted deeply and the soil is periodically moistened. Shoots usually appear in 4 days. Seedlings are planted in the ground in May.


The photo shows the finest feather grass “Pony Tails”

When sowing feather grass seeds in the ground or through seedlings, the distance between plants is made about 20 cm. Basic care comes down to periodically weeding out the weeds. If desired, you can mulch the soil.

Frequent watering or fertilizing is not required, since feather grass is the plant is steppe and is accustomed to drought. The main thing is to choose a good sunny place for it, where it will not be threatened by groundwater located close to the surface, since he doesn’t like excess moisture. Also, feather grass does not really like acidic soils, so if the acidity level is high, it is necessary to add lime.

If the feather grass bush has become dense enough, it can be divided in the spring. This is not only a method of propagation, but is also useful for the plant itself, so that it blooms more effectively.

What is feather grass like?

Despite the fact that quite a few varieties of feather grass are known, only a few of them are used for landscape design (photos and descriptions are attached):

  • - the most frequent visitor to the gardens and. This is no accident, since he is an original inhabitant of the Russian steppes and is accustomed to all the vagaries of our climate. It reaches a height of about 90 cm. It blooms in May-June. Overwinters without shelter. The stems of the plant are smooth, the panicles are narrow;
  • - very similar to the feathery one, but unlike it, it has denser panicles, which, under their own weight, bend toward the ground, forming a smooth bend;
  • Feather grass “Fluffy cloud” is a compact bush no more than 50 cm high, often lower. Its spikelets are erect and lush in shape, which is how this plant got its name;
  • comes from Mexico, so winter temperatures below 15° are contraindicated for it, as well as high temperatures (more than 25°). Grown as an annual. The leaves of this plant are quite hard, the spikelets are whitish with a silvery tint. Bush height - about 80 cm;
  • Feather grass "Fireworks"- a perennial plant about 80 cm high, in our climate it can be an annual. This feather grass received its name due to the leaves changing their color, which from dark green in the spring at the end of summer become golden-pink, and in the fall they become almost red or brown;
  • - from the genus of feathery feather grass. It grows on low-humus soils and is also often found on solonetzes. The leaves are covered with hairs and pimples, the panicle is loose and slightly pubescent;
  • Feather grass "Hairy"- a plant about 60 cm high. It differs from other feather grasses by its thin and long spine (about 20-25 cm), which resembles horsehair. The color of the spikelet is silver-green;
  • – about 60 cm in height. The leaves are slightly rough on the outside, curling when dry. The panicles have a purple tint, as can be seen in the photo of the plant.

Feather grass in the garden. Signs

Like many other plants, feather grass has its own halo of signs and beliefs. For example, it is generally accepted that this herb cannot be stored in the house, since it is also called widow’s grass, and if it is in someone’s home, he will become a widow. This belief is connected with the fact that in the distant past, the raids of nomads occurred precisely at the time when the feather grass was blooming, and people began to identify the spikelets of the feather grass with the hair of mothers and wives gray from sorrow.

However, there is also a belief that feather grass is a sacred plant of the spirits of the steppes, and if a person hides a bunch of feather grass under his shirt, the spirits of the steppe will take him under their protection and cleanse him of past adversities.

This means that it is better not to place feather grass in the house, but it is quite possible to grow it in the garden!

prairie garden

The video below shows how to create an American-style garden reminiscent of scenes from Western films. Plants like feather grass, and it itself, although it is a typical plant of the Russian steppe, will be able to show their best side in such a garden.

For dry areas exposed to all the winds and sun, feather grass is suitable - the most beautiful of the steppe grasses. The long, silky awns of feather grass, pliable to the slightest breath, attract the eye during flowering time (late May - June). The only drawback is the short flowering time.

Feather grass forms dense turf and does not tolerate transplanting. After this, he gets sick for a long time, so plan the area for feather grass in advance. This could be a focal point in the lawn or a spot in the rock garden.

Plant feather grass turfs densely, at a distance of 20-25 cm. Carefully fight weeds in the rows, remove shoots of foreign grasses from feather grass clumps in a timely manner. To enhance the decorative effect, it is useful to mulch the soil between plants with fine gravel or expanded clay.

Planting feather grass: Feather grasses prefer fertile soils, respond well to organic fertilizers and somewhat dislike acidic soils.

Reproduction of feather grass

Feather grasses reproduce slowly. From time to time you can divide overgrown clumps in early spring. Cut them into 2-3 pieces with a sharp tool (smaller pieces are less viable).

You can also try sowing seeds. It takes 10-15 years from sowing to flowering. Feather grass emerges only during winter sowing, forming very tender seedlings.

Varieties and types of feather grass

The most unpretentious is Lessing's feather grass (S. lessingiana), or feather grass. He tolerates the transplant better than others. However, the awns in the inflorescence of this species are shorter than those of others.

In the middle zone, feather grasses are quite cold-resistant; wireworms can cause some damage to them. Soggy soil is completely unsuitable.

Product description

Feather grass "Fireworks", or Feather grass reed (Stipa arundinacea)

Perennial grass, 50-90 cm tall. With an unusual coloring of the leaves, which, like a chameleon, changes during the season. Dark green in May-June, the leathery leaves turn gold, pink, orange, red and brown by August.

From June to September, openwork greenish-purple spikelets form a light, picturesque “fog” over the bush.

Created for the role of a soloist, he is so beautiful and unusual. It is ideal for voluminous garden flowerpots, the center of a raised flower bed, or an alpine slide. A single plant or small groups look good against a lawn. The inflorescences are used as cut flowers for live and dried flower arrangements.

It needs well-drained, neutral acid soil and a sunny location. Protection from strong winds is desirable.

The plant is evergreen and does not overwinter in the open ground in the middle zone. We recommend replanting the bush in a container in late autumn and keeping it in a bright room with a low positive temperature in winter. Or immediately plant it in a container.

Landing: for seedlings in March-April, in a greenhouse. Planting in open ground in June according to the 25x25 cm pattern.


Feather grass: growing from seeds and using in decoration

Feather grass is a wild variety of perennial plants from the grass family.

Description and photo

The drought-resistant crop does not like waterlogging and prefers loose and non-acidic soils that are well drained. Doesn't really need watering. On the contrary, when planting, you should choose the driest, non-flooded areas.

Some species are well adapted to live throughout our country. But for the spontaneous growth of this unpretentious plant with a height of approximately 30 cm to 1 m, the climatic conditions of the steppe are more suitable. Previously, scientists counted only a few varieties of perennials, but now more than 300 varieties have been identified.

The planted plant feels good with simple care and does not need to be replanted for up to 15 years.

Properties of the herb

  • Biologists believe that thanks to the long-term habitation of feather grass steppes, the accumulation of chernozem in the soil has been created.
  • These cereals are the rescuers of steppe soil from wind erosion.
  • Decoctions of dried roots and aerial parts, harvested in May–August, are used to treat thyroid diseases and paralysis.
  • Cattle willingly eat young feather grass and hay from it, prepared in the spring and mowed before the heading period. While being good food for grazing animals before flowering, feather grass still does not have high economic value in livestock farming.
  • When mowing frequently to obtain high-quality food from young shoots, the plant dies.
  • With the onset of flowering from the end of May (some varieties bloom only at the beginning of July), the cereal is poisonous; they are prohibited from feeding goats and sheep.
  • The second half of summer is dangerous for grazing on feather grass pastures. Feather grass disease affects livestock: ripe awns, digging into the skin, cause inflammation and even death of animals.
  • Feather grass compositions in modern decor

    Almost all varieties of this unusual plant are especially popular among landscape specialists who create their works on the principles of the unique and strict beauty of wild nature. The inflorescences of the cereal, like those of all representatives of its family, are inconspicuous, reminiscent of the filaments of an electric lamp, but the extravagant appearance of the leaves and stem awaken artistic imagination. The feather grass bush is capable of spreading its delicate feathers and beautifully casting silvery silk in the wind.

    Thanks to its long silky awns, which create a magical picture from the slightest breath of wind, feather grass is widely used in modern decor.

    Cut, discreet inflorescences are elegant and bring unsurpassed simplicity to live and dry flower arrangements.

    The unpretentious plant is specially propagated using the following:

  • for decorating garden areas,
  • as a component in the landscape design of the fashionable prairie style,
  • when constructing alpine slides,
  • in creating bouquet arrangements, especially from dried flowers and leaves.
  • This cereal is planted in open areas with well-drained soil in clumps, creating a natural garden, in rose gardens or on alpine hills, in the neighborhood and in combination with other plants:

  • drought-resistant, with which they live in the steppe neighborhood or in meadows (fescue, foxtail, poppies, cornflowers, daisies, echinacea, heather);
  • with an unusual winning combination of compositions with plants with small flowers, or roses, ornamental bushes, coniferous trees.
  • Types of landscape feather grasses for central Russia

    What winter-hardy varieties can lovers of modest exotics buy in the middle climate zone?

    For example, in the Moscow region, when decorating territories, preference is given to several types of this cereal:

  • Feather grass is popular in gardens and flower beds for a reason. This original inhabitant of the Russian steppes is accustomed to all climatic vagaries. Does not require shelter for the winter.
  • The beautiful feather grass is similar in appearance to its feathery counterpart.
  • The compact bush is called “Fluffy Cloud” due to its lush shape.
  • The finest feather grass, growing in Mexico, is demanding on temperature conditions: in winter no lower than 15°C, in summer no more than 25°. “Capricula” is grown as an annual.
  • "Fireworks" is unique in that it changes the color palette of its leaves, turning into rich greens, gold, pink, red and completely brown depending on the season.
  • Zalessky's feather grass feels good on salt licks.
  • “Hairy” looks like horsehair with a silvery and greenish tint.
  • Lessing's feather grass is unique due to its unusually curled leaves when dry and a panicle with a purple tint.
  • Growing methods

    Feather grass is traditionally propagated in two ways:

  • When a certain density and size are reached, the bush is divided into several parts (no more than 3-4 bushes are obtained);
  • sowing seeds that do not require special care during cultivation.
  • When breeding, a number of simple conditions must be met:

    1. It is necessary to find the right place for the feather grass to “reside”, away from nearby groundwater and so that there is a lot of sun there.
    2. Choose a species that grows without problems in the climate of the middle zone.


    Seeds are placed directly in moist soil in the habitat in the fall (there is a risk that frost will destroy the young shoot), or in the spring, no earlier than the end of April. The procedure is simple: place 3 to 4 seeds in a hole up to 3 cm deep and seal them. The distance between holes is up to 20 cm.

    To reduce the risk of death from hypothermia, or by planting heat-loving varieties, feather grass is bred by seedlings. If the seeds are planted for seedlings in March, the unusual beauty of this plant will delight the eye already this season. It is preferable to use separate cups so that when transplanting into open ground in May, the fragile seedlings are not damaged. The soil for seedlings is chosen not too fertile, having been prepared in the fall from the place of “permanent residence” of the cereal, or purchased in a retail chain. Seedlings appear already on the 4th day.

    Features of care

    In the modern trend of easy neglect of the garden, care does not require special agrotechnical methods. Feather grass perfectly meets these requirements, possessing both decorative and unpretentious growth.

    These grains are easy to grow even for inexperienced gardeners.

    The requests of the “steppe emigrant” are elementary:

  • Planting material is planted in a dry, sunny area of ​​the site, inaccessible to flooding by groundwater.
  • The steppe inhabitant easily tolerates prolonged water shortages.
  • Weeds are weeded out as needed.
  • You can mulch the soil.
  • Add lime to the soil if it is highly acidic.
  • Bushes that have become dense need to be divided - this is both propagation and plant care.
  • Additional watering and fertilizing are not required (watering very moderately can only be done during rooting of seedlings or when replanting a divided bush, without special requirements for the procedure technology).
  • In autumn, without touching the leaves, cut off only dry inflorescences.
  • Diseases and pests

    Diseases rarely affect this plant. Feather grass has virtually no natural pests. Its tough leaves will not be a treat for insects. The only problem is mites and aphids. There are 2 ways to help the gardener get rid of them:

  • rinse off with strong water pressure,
  • treat with soapy water.
  • Conclusion

    As a result, it should be noted that feather grass compositions have firmly won the hearts of residents of all regions of our country. Let landscape designers and amateurs continue to amaze with unusual but beautiful compositions using feather grass.

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    Ornamental grasses

    Feather grass, miscanthus, pennisetum (bristle grass), cortaderia, canary grass (falaris) - ornamental grasses and cereals. Photos, names, care

    Ornamental grasses (cereals, cereals) are a fashionable element of modern landscape design. Attractive at any time of the year, ornamental grasses and grasses experience their peak beauty when they bloom in the summer and remain attractive in the fall and winter. Steadfastly withstanding harsh weather and piercing winds, ornamental grasses and cereals whisper mysteriously in the empty winter garden

    Fast-growing and easy-to-maintain thickets cereals and ornamental grasses They look great in the garden next to other plants or tapeworms, adding focus, volume and texture to the space. good herbs and grains in natural natural gardens, in rock gardens, near water, in gravel gardens, gathered in a group with others ornamental grasses and cereals, in the middle of an open space, as well as in mixed flower beds. Cut ears cereals and ornamental grasses will add charm to bouquets and arrangements of dried flowers.

    Garden centers offer a wide selection ornamental grasses and cereals, among which are especially popular miscanthus, feather grass, pennisetum, cortaderia, fescue, canary grass. I would like to focus on the most spectacular herbs and cereal plants, which are especially valued by designers and gardeners for their architectural qualities.

    Miscanthus ornamental grass

    Miscanthus- popular high cereal plant, grass with long, rigid linear leaves and drooping silvery, golden or pinkish panicles of pinnate spikelets. One of the most common in garden culture ornamental cereals- Chinese miscanthus (M. sinensis), another name - Chinese reed. Some varieties of Chinese miscanthus have particularly beautiful leaves - with a creamy longitudinal stripe (var. Gracillimus) or cream speckled (a variety Zebrinus) and pink inflorescences (variety Morning Light.

    Miscanthus grows up to 2 m under good conditions, which include, first of all, an abundance of light. Miscanthuses are quite moisture-tolerant, but good soil permeability is an important condition for their cultivation. The cold resistance of Chinese miscanthus is from climate zone 5. It is not surprising that these ornamental grasses in recent years they have become so popular among gardeners in central Russia. Of other types of miscanthus, sugar-flowered miscanthus (M. sacchariflorus) and blushing miscanthus (M. purpurascens) are also used in garden culture.

    Feather grass, steppe feather grass

    One of the recently extremely fashionable ornamental cereal grasses is feather grass (Stipa). At Chelsea 2007, feather grass was present in almost every designer garden. This perennial steppe plant produces dense cushions of greenery with straight or elegantly curved stems and racemose panicles. Different types of feather grass are used in culture. The giant feather grass (S. gigantea), reaching 2.5 meters in height, looks especially impressive in large areas! Other popular feather grass species include: hairy feather grass (S. tenuissima), including a beautiful variety Ponytail, as well as feather grass (S. calamagrostis). Feather grass is cold-resistant and unpretentious if it is provided with suitable conditions for growth: full sun and permeable, structured soil. Feather grass is used in gravel gardens, rock gardens, mixborders and thematic gardens of ornamental grasses.

    Cortaderia ornamental grass

    Cortaderia (pampas grass, Cortaderia selloana) in favorable conditions can reach 3 m in height. It is better to plant a large, eye-catching cortaderia as a tapeworm in the middle of an open space or on a mixborder, behind other plants or herbs. There are cortaderias with straight or curving stems, on which long fluffy spikes of inflorescences proudly flaunt. Read more about ornamental cortaderia grass follow the link above in our special article.

    Ornamental grass pennisetum (bristleweed)

    Pennisetum (bristleweed, pinnately bristleweed, millet, fountain grass, Pennisetum) is an exceptionally elegant plant originating from Asia. Pennisetum reaches a height of 1.5 m, the oblong fluffy spikelets of these cereal herbs resemble bottle brushes. Pennisetum grows very quickly and can change the appearance of the garden in just one season. Among several types of penisetum common in culture, there is also a fairly frost-resistant (according to various sources - from climatic zones 5-6) foxtail penisetum, or Chinese (P. alopecuroides) and its varieties, which differ in flower color and size. Other species of pinnately bristles are also very attractive, each in their own way. P. shaggy (P. villosum, or longistylum) – short (60-100 cm), especially fluffy cereal with light spikelets, which over time acquire a burgundy hue. P. orientale (P. orientale) - a more compact variety, the plants reach only 60 cm in height. P. setaceum, or rueppellii - large ornamental grass, the curved stems of which, bending elegantly, form a real fountain of fluffy spikelets. The winter hardiness limit of Pennisetum bristles is zones 6-7. The purple variety of Pennisetum bristles (P. s. Rubrum) is especially good. Exactly this ornamental grass, unfortunately, is the least cold-resistant and even in our region (climatic zone 8) it is recommended to provide the plant with winter shelter or put it away for the winter in a room where the temperature does not drop below zero. Due to the ability of pennisetum to bloom in the first year, overwintering can be avoided if the plant is grown as an annual. Thus, lovers of exotic novelties should pay attention to a particularly spectacular variety of gray pennisetum (P. glaucum) Purple Majesty.

    Ornamental grass reed grass

    Short-haired reed grass (Calamagrostis brachytricha), nicknamed Fox's tail , is an exclusively ornamental cereal plant up to 1.5 m in height. Reed grass forms hemispherical sods of curved linear leaves and thin stems, at the ends of which there are fluffy silver-pink panicles, wider than those of pennisetum, but somewhat narrower than those of pampas grass. The winter hardiness limit of short-haired reed grass is climate zone 5. Among other reed plants common in horticultural culture: higher Hybrid reed grass (C. x acutiflora) and less tall, but more cold-resistant reed reed grass (C. arundinacea). Reed grasses are quite hardy and compare favorably with other grasses by their ability to bloom intensively in partial shade.

    Pearl barley, pike, canary...

    Tall pearl barley, Siberian (Melica altissima)– another interesting cereal, ornamental grass. The purple form of Atropurpurea is especially beautiful. Pearl barley forms clumps of bright green leaves, from which thin, erect stems with inflorescences appear in summer. Pearl barley inflorescences are a one-sided racemose panicle with shiny drooping spikelets. Pearl barley grows well in any relatively fertile and moist soil. In winter, the threat to pearl barley is not so much frost as humidity, so good soil permeability is a prerequisite for growing pearl barley.

    Pike, Turfgrass (Deschampsia cespitosa) called a piece of hair. This ornamental grass forms tussocks consisting of many thin basal leaves that look exactly like a large tuft of tousled hair. The plant reaches 1 – 1.5 m in height and blooms in summer with drooping panicles of bronze ( Bronzeschleier) or golden ( Tatra Gold) colors. Pike is frost-hardy (zones 4-9) and can be grown and even bloom in partial shade, preferring neutral or slightly acidic soils.

    Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea picta). The peculiarity of the canary plant is the light, almost white color of the leaves. Canary grass looks great in dark corners of the garden where you want to add a color accent. Phalaris is not demanding and readily grows both in the light and in the shade.

    Ornamental grasses and cereals: cultivation and care

    Ornamental grasses are quite easy to grow and can be used in particularly problem areas of the garden. Most of them prefer open, sunny places, but will not refuse to develop lush greenery in partial shade or even full shade. Many are quite tolerant of soil moisture: they tolerate both drought and heavy rains, provided they have good water permeability. Pruning of ornamental grasses and grains should be done in early spring (not fall!), before new growth begins, cutting off last year's flower stalks and yellowed leaves. Ornamental cereal grasses are propagated by dividing clumps in mid-spring or by seeds, which are sown directly in the open ground in the spring, and in colder regions - through seedlings. Ornamental grasses are almost not affected by pests and diseases, with the exception of reed grass and meadow grass, which are susceptible to plant rust (fungus Gymnosporangium sabinae). Remember to tightly control the spread of ornamental grasses. Sedge and feather grass can spread especially aggressively throughout the garden by self-seeding.


    Feather grass reed fireworks cultivation

    Our Flower Nursery includes Roses, Rhododedrons, Lilies, Amaryllis, Dahlias, Hibiscus, Fuchsia, Citrus, Fruit houseplants, Fruit bushes, Clematis, Pelargonium, and just various flowers

    The site has a Flower Shop for home, garden, patio - Hibiscus, Fuchsia, Pelargonium, Citrus, Fruit, Roses, Lilac, Rhododendron, Azalea and Miscellaneous.

    The site has information on flowers, such as: description, cultivation, breeding of flowers.

    I hope you find it interesting!

    Sincerely, Alena.

    The last notes

    • Styrax - types, care and cultivation
    • Purple or Cercis species, care and cultivation
    • Cannes care and cultivation
    • Feather grass care cultivation

      Feather grass (Stipa) is a common herbaceous steppe plant of the grass family. The name is of Greek origin and means “tow.” Nearly 300 varieties of feather grass have been registered. There are 80 species growing in Russia. In the wild steppe, feather grass forms thick turf, picturesquely filling the entire space.

      Externally, feather grass resembles a bush of grass with a height of 30 cm to 1 m. It can be a perennial or annual, depending on climatic conditions. In nature it grows in the steppe, mountainous and semi-desert areas of Eurasia.

      Feather grass stems are thin and erect. The rhizome is short, not creeping. The leaves of the plant are hard and very thin, similar to wire. There are leaves twisted in the form of a tube. The bristles of the spikelet are oriented in the direction opposite to the awn. The spine curls like a spiral.

      Vigorous flowering begins 2-4 years after planting. During the flowering period, which occurs at the end of May, the feather grass throws out a paniculate inflorescence spike. Inside a spikelet up to 2.5 cm long, a flower is hidden behind two scales before flowering.

      The structure of the ear is quite unusual. Seeds in the form of grains are hidden in the flower scales from the lower and upper halves. The scale has a pointed tip (callus) and an awn.

      Feather grass reproduces by seeds, which are successfully distributed by the wind, expanding the growing area. But there is another, more interesting method of reproduction related to the structure of the ears.

      From dew and with the onset of rain, the stems become heavier and sink lower to the ground. The spine spiral is moistened and gradually straightened. Upon contact with the ground, it twists into it like a corkscrew. The buried part can no longer come out because the scales prevent it. Gradually, the spikelet dries out and breaks off from the stem, but the seeds remain underground.

      The plant has no medicinal or nutritional value for humans and livestock.

      Propagation by seeds

      The best way to plant your favorite feather grass variety in your garden is to plant seeds, especially since this does not require much effort.

      Varieties adapted to temperate climate conditions are planted directly into the ground during autumn sowing. Place 3-4 seeds in one hole 3 cm deep. Feather grass is sown in the same way in the spring, with the onset of May.

      To eliminate the risk of frost damage, feather grass is grown through seedlings, and then it decorates the garden with the onset of the season. It is worth noting that heat-loving varieties of feather grass are grown only by seedlings.

      The substrate for planting is suitable either store-bought or prepared in the fall from a summer cottage. Feather grass is not picky about soil composition; even infertile compositions are preferable.

      The seeds are immediately placed in separate cups, 2-3 pieces each, because the sprouts are very delicate and are easily injured when diving. The optimal planting time is March. Seed placement in moist soil is not deep. It is enough to sprinkle with a layer of soil no more than 1 cm. The first shoots can be expected in 4-6 days. Grown seedlings are planted in the garden in May.


      Feather grass is a steppe grass and is drought-resistant. Therefore, in arid soils, one feather grass often survives, filling the area.

      The planting site should be dry and sunny, without the threat of flooding with groundwater. The plant does not like excess moisture. It is recommended to add lime to acidic soil.

      When planting, a distance of 20 cm is maintained between the feather grass bushes. When sowing in open ground, the seedlings are broken through, and older bushes are planted.

      Maintenance includes weed control and mulching. Feather grass does not need watering or fertilizing. Only during the first time after planting, before rooting, and on especially hot days, to preserve the decorative appearance of the grass.

      Large, dense bushes are divided into 2-3 parts for the purpose of reproduction and stimulation of flowering. The procedure is carried out in the spring or at the end of August. Plants can grow in one place for 10-15 years.

      What kind of feather grass is there?

      From the many common varieties of feather grass, landscape designers have selected several of the most attractive species.

    • feather feather grass
    • Often decorates gardens and flower beds. Fully adapted to the climate of the middle zone, therefore it winters without shelter. The height of the plant with smooth stems and elongated panicles is up to 90 cm. Flowering occurs in May-June.

    • The most beautiful feather grass
    • This feather grass has many similarities with the feathery species, which is noticeable in the photo of the plant. Only its panicles are much thicker and inclined towards the ground. The smooth bend of the panicles gives the feather grass a special decorative effect.

    • Feather grass “Fluffy cloud”
    • The small bush does not grow higher than 50 cm. The erect spikelets merge into a lush mass, confirming its name.

    • The finest feather grass
    • It is of Mexican origin and therefore thermophilic. Although high temperatures from +25°C are also contraindicated for it. The annual crop grows no higher than 80 cm. The finest feather grass has hard leaves and white-silver panicles.

    • Zalessky feather grass
    • Belongs to the feathery species of feather grass. Grows on poor soils and salt licks. The leaves are hairy with pimples. The structure of the panicle is loose, with slight pubescence.

    • Kovil Fireworks
    • In warm climates it grows as a perennial. The height of the bush is up to 80 cm. It has the ability to change the color of the leaves from dark green in the spring to golden pink in the summer months. With the arrival of autumn it turns red or brown.

    • Feather grass of Lessing
    • The height of the bush is up to 60 cm. The outer side of the leaves is rough. Dry leaves curl. The panicles are purple.

    • Feather grass Hairy
    • It grows up to 60 cm. The plant differs from other feather grasses by its thin and long awns, comparable to horsehair. The ear is painted silver-green.

      Feather grass in landscape design

      Despite its modest, natural beauty and some wildness, feather grass has thoroughly settled in the garden and flower beds, giving them natural charm and charm. The main merit in this is its unpretentiousness and unusual appearance.

      The most successful use of feather grass in garden design is the formation of compositions that reproduce the vegetation of the steppe. Thin, gray hairs of feather grass roll in smooth waves in the wind and captivate the eye. Planting in dense groups enhances the decorative effect.

      Feather grass is used for plant decoration of a pond along with:

      The swaying stripes of feather grass will become an original design along the garden path. Feather grass is planted along the fence line, near fences and posts.

      Companion plants

      Fashionable trends in landscape design have become the “prairie” and “naturgarden” styles, which means natural garden. Meadow and steppe plants are selected as companions for feather grass so that the plantings look natural. These include cereal species: fescue, foxtail, miscanthus.

      Scabiosa of rich, rich tones forms bright combinations with feather grass.

      Spectacular compositions are obtained with the following plants: