» Tise technology pros and cons. Tise technology: we build warm walls at home with our own hands. The calculation will include determining

Tise technology pros and cons. Tise technology: we build warm walls at home with our own hands. The calculation will include determining

One of the types of pile or pile-grillage foundation is a foundation made using TISE technology. Its distinctive characteristic is that towards the end the piles thicken and take the shape of a dome, due to which pile foundations can be used on heaving soils.


It is not for nothing that the TISE foundation is called universal; it is intended for various soils, the only exception being rocks. The building may have several floors and a reinforced concrete floor, but this will not affect the strength and reliability of the structure. But this does not mean that it has absolutely no shortcomings.

This design has proven itself well on highly heaving soils., on which other types of foundations crack after a few years. The TISE foundation is appropriate to use in areas located close to railway tracks or a truck highway. An ordinary columnar foundation collapses due to vibrations, but for the TISE foundation they are completely invisible.

The calculation of the foundation must begin with a thorough study and analysis of the site. After this, the territory is marked and drilled. For this, a manual foundation drill TISE F300, F250, F200 is used - the diameter corresponds to the indicator in the name. Piles can be deepened to a maximum depth of 2.20 meters. There are practically no reviews against the TISE foundation; all owners were satisfied with their choice.


According to professionals, the foundation built using TISE technology has a huge number of advantages:

  • Affordable price - such a structure will cost 2 times less than a traditional strip foundation. During installation, the scale of excavation work and concrete costs are reduced, and there is no need to use special equipment.
  • Installation of such a base can be carried out at any time of the year and in any weather conditions.
  • The arrangement work will not take much time. This foundation is perfect for individual construction, so even a self-taught craftsman can quickly install it.

Experts also note the fact that communications can be carried out without difficulty on the erected structure, and this is another undeniable advantage of the foundation.


Like any product, a structure built using TISE technology There are also several disadvantages:

  • Such a foundation cannot be built on muddy or waterlogged soil. Under high loads, piles bend and become damaged.
  • Manual labor is required - it is difficult to drill in hard and rocky areas, and problems with the well also arise. But even in such a situation, you can do without the help of specialists.
  • You cannot make a basement for the entire area of ​​the house.
  • It is necessary to perform a wide blind area.

Considering all the characteristics of a foundation made using TISE technology, we can say with confidence that it is ideal for private construction and is also economical.


To do this, follow the following sequence:

  • Calculate the total load on the foundation, taking into account the design of the structure. It is necessary to take into account the weight of the structure with the grillage and all the walls, the weight of the roof, ceilings and floors. Sum up all these indicators and multiply by 1.2, multiply the resulting result by 1.3. The result obtained is an indicator of the load on the piles.
  • Then you need to calculate the bearing capacity of the bored pile. To do this, you need to go to the city’s architectural department to find out the geological features of the site and what soils are below the freezing depth. Department workers will quickly calculate and tell you the maximum load using a table.

  • Copy the project's foundation plan. Divide the maximum load of the building by the load of the piles. This way you will know the required number of pillars.
  • On copies of the plans, mark the location of all piles. First, piles are indicated at the corners of the field, then at the joints, and the remaining volume is evenly distributed over the site.

This will give you a foundation plan that you can use in the future.

On average, for a brick house or a shell-shell building, the permissible load for each square of the territory is 2400 kg, for houses made of various types of concrete (foam or aerated concrete) - 2000 kg, and for wooden and frame structures - 1800 kg. These indicators can be used as an approximate guide.


A universal foundation built using TISE technology is in demand, because it is inexpensive, and its construction does not take much time, and besides, everything can be done with your own hands. Initially, carefully prepare the site, namely, remove the top layer of soil and install cast-offs.

Then mark the location of the piles and the site. A hydraulic level is used for this. Then cut down the pegs a little and place nails on the outer corners of the area, fixing a rope on them, you can also use a strong fishing line. When this job is done, install stakes for the load-bearing walls.

To install the frame of the cast-off, round timber from a board 50 mm thick is used. It is recommended to use a garden auger. It is more economical and convenient to make a semi-solid cast-off, on which the zero level must be determined.

Then the installation of smooth bars is carried out, which are attached to the boards. There should be a zero level at the top. Please note that the cast-off is installed for control, then it is dismantled. Dig a hole around the area and start drilling. To begin with, it is recommended to make approximately 5 wells, after which they need to be expanded.

If there is a small amount of sand in the soil, then drilling will be difficult and this work will take a lot of time. To make the process easier, pour 5 buckets of water into each well overnight, this will soften the soil and it will be easier to expand the well the next day. This way you can do it without special equipment.

When installing the TISE base, do not forget about the reinforcement. You can find out the length of the rod based on the depth of the support. If the reinforcement is barely noticeable from behind the column, it can later be used as a vibratory compactor for concreting, which will remove remaining air from the concrete.

The next procedure is waterproofing, for which roofing felt is used. For installation, the material must be divided into pieces and twisted into a cylinder. The product is placed in the well, but only when the fittings are installed. The visible end of the shirt is sprinkled with soil. Installation of the TISE foundation requires concreting as quickly as possible.

Once you have poured the pillars and backfilled the supports, begin making the grillage. To do this, shields are installed and covered with durable polyethylene. The formwork is secured with pins, and holes are made in the timber on both sides. One end of the stud is bent behind the other, on which a washer and nut are fixed. Reinforcement is installed on the studs and secured with plastic ties.

The undeniable advantage of this foundation is the lack of drainage. There is no need to insulate the blind area and fence. And so that the drains do not have a destructive effect on the areas adjacent to the blind area, storm gutters are installed outside.

The foundation using TISE technology can be used for buildings of several floors and not worry about them sagging. But remember that medium-sized houses weighing about 380 tons on soft ground require a large number of TISE supports, which is very difficult to do on your own, but still possible.

In order for the foundation construction work to be completed quickly and efficiently, the following recommendations must be taken into account:

  • First of all, it is better to drill the cylindrical parts of all wells, and only then expand them. This sequence will reduce the time for installation and dismantling of the drill plow.

  • During drilling, rocks can make work difficult. The small ones will automatically go into the storage bin, but the larger ones will have to be removed with a hoe. Therefore, if you come across a large boulder, then start drilling a little further. A maximum displacement of 500 cm is permissible.
  • If the soil begins to crumble during the expansion of the well, proceed with concreting as quickly as possible. We drilled one well - and immediately concrete it. This procedure should be performed on sandy soils and at elevated groundwater levels.
  • If the area has uneven terrain, the grillage should be made either with a variable cross-sectional height for small slopes, or stepped for large slopes.

People who have already assessed all the pros and cons of building on their own most often single out one type of foundation - a support structure using TISE technology. The abbreviation TISE means: technology of individual construction and ecology. Using it, you can create a foundation for building a house without having any special skills.

The construction of a support structure using TISE technology will reduce the costs of construction and operation in the future by almost half. Construction of a foundation using this technology does not harm the environment, because the work performed is carried out using common materials.

Using new construction methods, TISE technology, some problems are solved:

  • Premises are isolated from contact with materials. Effective ventilation can be used, which makes it possible to introduce displacement ventilation systems. Thus, there will be no stagnant zones in the house.
  • It is possible to create a useful electromagnetic field.
  • The supporting structure does not produce a high background radiation.
  • The buildings are well insulated from radiation.
  • The new energy saving system reduces energy consumption from heating systems several times.
  • Environmental safety increases.
  • Saving money.

It is quite profitable to install a strip foundation on columns using TISE technology, especially if you correctly calculate and mark the future foundation of the house. Creating this type of support does not require a lot of excavation work, and less concrete will be needed.

Creating a TISE foundation makes it possible to reduce costs and create a support in a short time; its construction does not require the involvement of additional workers.

Typical view of TISE.

Advantages and disadvantages of foundations using TISE technology

TISE is a pile-tape structure; the supporting structure is erected in the form of a square or rectangle on piles.

The concrete grillage that connects the piles does not touch the ground. This position of the foundation does not allow the soil to put pressure on itself at any time of the year.

Advantages of the TISE foundation

  • Economically advantageous part of the building;
  • Reliable design;
  • Fast construction;
  • Easy installation;
  • Can be built in winter;
  • Environmentally friendly design;
  • Construction on seismically unstable soil is possible;
  • You can build a support at different groundwater levels.

Components of the TISE foundation:

  • Grillage made of reinforced concrete;
  • Reinforced piles.

The lower part of the foundation pile is shaped like a hemisphere - this is a big plus, because... This design helps to increase the support area and improve load-bearing properties. This support design is used in the construction of different types of houses. Such a foundation does not shrink and is suitable for houses on a frame basis, as well as for the construction of stone houses.

The lower part of the pile in the form of a hemisphere has the property of resisting squeezing out of the ground, which can occur in heaving soils.

The disadvantage of installing a TISE foundation is the mandatory purchase of special equipment: drills and motor drills.

The strip part of the TISE foundation is called a grillage - it is made of reinforced concrete. This part of the support is poured at a certain distance above ground level. Due to the gap from the ground to the structure, heaving does not affect the supporting structure.

Foundation construction using TISE technology

The construction of a support using TISE technology does not require calculation of piles and precise installation location under the grillage.

Construction of the foundation using TISE technology.

The technology consists of several stages:

  1. The first step is to mark the outline.
  2. Then the wells are drilled and expanded.
  3. The next step is to reinforce the piles.
  4. Then the grillage is made.
  5. For residential developments, calculations are made by special organizations involved in projects, because it is necessary to examine the soil, make calculations and a design.
  6. Without preliminary calculations, you can build a TISE strip foundation for buildings such as a fence, bathhouse, veranda and garage.

In order to correctly carry out the work on the manufacture of a TISE pile foundation, several conditions must be met:

  • The base of the piles must be below the freezing point.
  • The base of the pile is made taking into account construction standards to fully resist soil heaving.
  • A strong recommendation for installing a strip foundation, reinforcing piles and compacting concrete.
  • The grillage should be at a distance of 10 to 15 cm from the ground.
  • The width of the grillage should be less than the height.
  • The grillage must be reinforced.

The disadvantages of this type of foundation are the large amount of work that must be performed not only at the stage of calculation and marking, but also at the construction stage. This is true if the work is performed by several people. Disadvantages also include purchasing or leasing special equipment, such as drills and motor drills.

Calculation of the foundation contour

Before starting the construction of the foundation, it is necessary to make markings and calculations. Marking is done using; peg, slats, fishing line, tape measure and water level.

First of all, slats are hammered in at the site of the future wall, with a margin of 2 meters, and a fishing line is attached to them.

To determine the first angle, step 1 m away from the batten and hammer a peg; a second peg is driven from it to the length of the wall. The slats are installed at the zero point of the TISE support structure; a water level is used to determine the top point of the grillage.

In order to mark the second wall you need to mark a right angle. The third and fourth walls are marked at a right angle, then edges 3 and 4 are simply connected to form parallel wall 2. Marking and calculation play an important role here!

The internal perimeter of the grillage is determined by a tape measure; the internal perimeter connected by fishing line is hammered into the width of the grillage from the outer edge. Then markings for the wells are made. You can determine the middle between the edges of the grillage and stretch the fishing line, and use it to mark the locations for the wells.

In the places where the marks are located, they dig holes on the floor of the bayonet and drill wells. Drilling is carried out with a special tool, the TISE foundation drill. This tool is manual and consists of a handle, a rod of two sections, a drill, a soil accumulator and a folding shovel. The depth is adjusted using a rod, the soil is taken up and loosened by a soil receiver, and the base of the well is expanded with a folding blade.

The downside to drilling wells is that after drilling the well, you need to expand its base, and for this you have to rebuild the drill. To optimize drilling, according to the advice of experts, several wells should be drilled and then expanded; this will take less time than rebuilding the drill.

During drilling, the drill and rod rotate, a folding blade is put on the rod and attached with a pin to the soil receiver. The blade is raised with a cord, and lowered under the pressure of its own weight. After expanding the wells, reinforcement and filling are carried out.

Pile reinforcement

  • Piles are reinforced to increase their strength. After the reinforcing bars are poured with concrete, the pile becomes reinforced concrete.
  • For reinforcement of piles, reinforcement with a diameter of 10-12 mm is used; for grillage, thinner reinforcement is used.
  • Reinforcement and pouring of piles is done separately, since the grillage frame must be connected to the pile frame.
  • The piles are poured in parts; after each part of concrete, a vibrator is lowered into the hole and compacted.

Pouring the grillage

  • The piles are connected using a grillage. This way the load on the piles is distributed evenly.
  • The formwork is installed using TISE technology. Waterproofing is fixed inside the formwork - this is necessary to keep the cement laitance in the solution.
  • Sand is poured onto the bottom of the formwork and a frame made of reinforcement is installed, secured with a distance of 5-7 cm from the walls. The grillage is poured and compacted with a vibrating plate or deep-well vibrator.
  • The poured foundation is left to harden, after which the formwork is removed and the sand is removed.

Universal foundation TISE technology Yakovlev R.N.



Purpose of the module

Rice. 187. TISE molding module

The module is available in two modifications: TISE-2 and TISE-3. They allow the construction of walls with a thickness of 25 and 38 cm, respectively.

The module has dimensions (Fig. 188):

TISE - 2 (weight 14 kg)….510 x 150 x 250 mm;

TISE - 3 (weight 19 kg)….510 x 150 x 380 mm.

Rice. 188. Dimensions of molded blocks (dimensions in mm): A - with TISE-2 module; B - with TISE-3 module

The blocks made in the wall using a module are multiples in size of masonry made from ordinary standard bricks.

The module is used in individual construction and can significantly reduce the cost of constructing walls due to the high degree of voidness, the absence of ready-made building products and masonry mortar. To erect walls, you do not need a qualified mason; the wall is immediately smooth and does not require applying a layer of plaster.

The main composition of concrete is sand: cement = 3:1. The mixture is rigid, with a small amount of water, allowing immediate stripping of the formwork immediately after compaction with a hand tamper.

The high strength and frost resistance of wall blocks molded with TISE-2 formwork were confirmed by state tests at KTB "MOSORGSTROYMATERIALY" (1996). They withstood more than 100 tons in compression, and when tested for frost resistance, the strength of the blocks decreased by 4% (15% is allowed according to SNiP standards).

Along with the basic composition of concrete, TISE technology also provides for the use of lean mixtures with a ratio of sand: cement = 4:1, as well as mixtures with other aggregates used in construction practice (sawdust concrete, slag concrete, expanded clay concrete, polystyrene concrete).

Module design

The module consists of a mold, two removable void formers with handles, four transverse and one longitudinal pins intended for fixing the void formers in the mold (Fig. 189).

Rice. 189. Details of the TISE module: 1 - form; 2 - void former; 3 - transverse pin; 4 - longitudinal pin; 5 - partition-scraper; 6 - release panel-tamper; 7 - formwork-compensator; 8 - bracket; 9 - molding corner; 10 - wire stopper

The module is equipped with additional equipment used in the construction of walls. Some of its elements have a dual purpose. The partition-scraper is used both for molding half blocks and for leveling the upper border of the molded product. The squeezing panel-tamper is used when stripping and for compacting the mixture as a manual tamper. The angle is needed for forming vertical grooves and for lifting void formers. The module kit includes a bracket for forming “quarters” along window and door openings, as well as compensator formwork for filling wide vertical gaps between blocks that may arise during the construction of walls. The module parts are made of steel materials and painted with colored enamel.

For ease of transportation of the module, all parts and accessories are placed in the mold and securely fixed in it with a wire stopper inserted into the holes of four transverse and one longitudinal pins (Fig. 190).

Rice. 190. Module in transport position

Material consumption per 1 sq. m walls

cement M400 - sand - water = 1 - 3 - 0.6

TISE-2 cement - 60 kg, sand - 0.12 m 3;

TISE-3 cement - 90 kg, sand - 0.18 m 3;

cement M500 - sand - water = 1-4 - 0.7

TISE-2 cement - 50 kg, sand - 0.13 m 3;

TISE-3 cement - 75 kg, sand - 0.20 m 3.

Sequence of forming a wall block

Before starting to form the blocks, it is necessary to moisten the surface of the bottom row with water. This will eliminate the possibility of dehydration of the mixture at the bottom of the molded blocks.

To form a block, place the mold at a distance of 0...8 mm from the wall of the adjacent previously molded block, while the side walls of the mold, protruding downward by 5...7 mm, cover the bottom row of blocks, ensuring precise orientation of the mold. Then transverse pins are inserted into it, onto which void formers are placed, the position of which is fixed by a longitudinal pin (Fig. 187).

When constructing walls, a situation arises when a wall block is molded between other previously molded blocks. In this case, the longitudinal pin is not installed, and the void formers are fixed in the middle position with the solution itself during compaction.

The mixture is poured into the mold in two steps. (Fig. 191).

Rice. 191. Filling the mold with solution

If you add everything at once, then part of the mixture is lost and falls over the edge. In addition, when the form is completely filled with concrete mixture, the lower layers of the molded wall block do not receive high-quality compaction, which becomes visible immediately after formwork is removed.

The mixture is distributed throughout the volume of the mold and compacted evenly with the short side of the squeezing panel-tamper (Fig. 192). The process of compacting the wall block lasts no more than 3 - 4 minutes with leisurely, quiet work. The impact of the rammer should not be too strong.

Rice. 192. Compacting the solution

Remove excess mixture with a scraper, simultaneously resting it on the upper plane of the void formers (Fig. 193).

Rice. 193. Removing excess mixture - leveling the upper surface of the block

Then remove all the pins from the mold and install a pressing panel-tamper on the surface of the molded block; insert the end of the angle into the hole of the void former and, leaning on the jumper of the release panel-tamper, lift it (Fig. 194).

Rice. 194. Raising void formers

Now place the pressing panel-tamper on the molded block. Place the fingers of both hands on the handles and, simultaneously pressing the release panel with your thumbs, lift the form, freeing the wall block from it. Place the mold next to it, in place of the next block. For ease of squeezing, you can place a grater on the release panel (Fig. 195).

Rice. 195. Lifting the form

You can rub the side walls with a trowel after molding 5...10 wall blocks, after using another bag of cement (Fig. 196).

Rice. 196. Grouting the side surface

To ensure that the surface to be rubbed does not require the application of a plaster layer in the future, it is better to grout with a sand-cement mortar made using fine-grained or sifted sand that does not scratch freshly laid wall blocks.

We draw the attention of developers to the vertical gaps between blocks. They should not be filled with mortar, since this does not have the slightest effect on the strength of the walls. The strength of all masonry is ensured only by the adhesion forces between the rows of wall products. The volume of solution that falls into the gap between adjacent wall blocks turns out to be quite sufficient to seal the gap itself.

When working properly, the molding cycle of one block with the TISE-2 module lasts 3.5...4 minutes, and with the TISE-3 module - 4...6 minutes.

Half block molding sequence

To mold half blocks, it is necessary to leave one void former and install a partition supported by two transverse pins, one of which will fit into the upper pair of holes in the mold (Fig. 197).

Rice. 197. Preparing the module for molding a half block

Before lifting the mold, one of the transverse pins should be inserted into the upper pair of holes so that the release panel does not collapse the upper edge of the molded block (Fig. 198).

Rice. 198. Removing the mold from a half block

Molding a block with a break in the “cold bridges”

When constructing walls with increased thermal insulation characteristics, three options are considered:

Insulation from outside;

Insulation from the inside, from the premises;

Filling the voids of wall blocks with insulation.

The first two options are well covered in the construction literature, and we will not dwell on this.

Since the walls according to TISE have a large voidness, it is better to use the latter option for their insulation.

TISE technology offers several methods for forming “warm” wall blocks. All of them are associated with a decrease in the cross-section of “cold bridges” - transverse walls along which the main heat flows pass. Rupture of the central bridge wall block - the most massive "cold bridge" - the simplest method of improving the thermal insulation characteristics of the wall (Fig. 199, a). This can be done using a removable wooden insert 5 cm thick or by laying permanent rigid insulation to fit the size of this gap.

A more effective means of “insulating” a wall involves breaking all three cold bridges, but in a narrower design (up to 3 cm). This can be done using removable liners or a punch with a pointed tip, which are inserted into the volume of the jumpers during the process of compacting the mixture (Fig. 199, b).

Rice. 199. Wall blocks with a rupture of “cold bridges”: A - rupture of the central lintel; B - break of all jumpers

Molding a block without “cold mortise”

TISE technology provides for the molding of a wall block without “cold bridges”. If the void formers in the TISE-3 module are rotated by 90°, then one common void is created in the volume of the mold, separating two solid wall blocks with a thickness of 11 and 9 cm (Fig. 200). Part of the wall block, 11 cm thick, is located on the side of the ceilings, on the inside of the walls of the house.

Rice. 200. Wall block without a “cold bridge” (dimensions in mm): A - preparation of the form; B - wall block

To connect the molded blocks to each other in a compacted concrete solution, a flexible connection is introduced between the void formers. Orient it at an angle, changing the direction of inclination from row to row (Fig. 201). The wall erected in this way consists of two concrete walls connected to each other by a spatial truss structure made of flexible connections. The air gap between the blocks is about 18 cm. This is enough to ensure the highest energy savings.

When erecting a wall above ground level, flexible connections are not loaded with large forces: they only ensure its stability. Reinforcement rods with a diameter of 5...6 mm can be used as material for ties, but it is better to use basalt fibers with curved ends (length 35 cm, diameter 6 mm).

If there are lateral loads on the walls (if it is a basement, a swimming pool, a storage facility for bulk materials, or, say, with increased seismicity in the region...), specific forces arise in the flexible connections, so their cross-sectional diameter must be at least 8 mm.

Rice. 201. Wall without “cold bridges”: 1 - internal wall; 2 - insulation; 3 - flexible connection; 4 - seismic belt; 5 - sand; 6 - waterproofing; 7 - concrete screed; 8 - foundation strip; 9 - drainage pipe; 10 - sand; 11 - soil; 12 - blind area; 13 - overlap; 14 - external wall; 15 - wall block; 16 - base panel

From the book Universal Foundation TISE Technology author Yakovlev R. N.

From the book Modern work on laying the foundation. Types of work, materials, technologies author


From the book Interior decoration. Modern materials and technologies author Nazarova Valentina Ivanovna

6.1. FOUNDATION DRILL TISE-F The foundation drill TISE-F is made in the form of a sliding rod, on one side of which there is a crossbar with two handles at the ends, and on the other - a soil accumulator with two cutting edges equipped with cutters (Fig. 135). The drill weighs 7.5

From the book Bathhouse, sauna [We build with our own hands] author Nikitko Ivan

10.2. FEATURES OF CONSTRUCTION OF BASEMENTS ACCORDING TO TISE The power structure of traditional basements includes a rigid ceiling that absorbs the pressure of the soil that surrounds the walls from the outside. During heaving phenomena, freezing soil increases in volume and, becoming

Today, self-builders have a large selection of technologies that will allow them to obtain the optimal ratio of time, labor and financial costs and results. And although it has been calculated that the cost of constructing walls is not the most significant expense item, and there is no particular point in saving on it, many private owners prefer to profit from this expense. In addition, certain categories of materials make it possible to save on the foundation, due to the lightweight variety. One of them is TISE, and if such a base on a portal is not uncommon, then the walls are almost a curiosity. However, members of our portal have tried this technology and are ready to share useful experience. Consider:

  • What is the foundation of TISE?
  • What are walls made of homemade blocks?

What is a foundation that is not afraid of heaving?

The abbreviation TISE stands for technology of individual construction and ecology, although our craftsmen prefer a slightly different interpretation, replacing “ecology” with “economy”. This is one of the types of columnar foundations with a hanging grillage, but unlike the original, such a foundation can be installed in areas with soils prone to frost heaving. Pillars using this technology have a “heel” - an extension at the base, located below the freezing level. Thanks to this “anchor”, the pillars are not squeezed out, and since the concrete is poured into a roofing felt cylinder, adhesion to the ground is further reduced and moisture leakage is prevented. This foundation is chosen mainly because of its stability on heaving soils, but the price also matters.


Why did you choose bored piles with expansion and a hanging grillage? Firstly, the heaving of the soil is incredible; after the snow melted, the area was almost like a swamp; the clogged reinforcement dropped by 10 cm by summer. Neighboring frames of the same type on a shallow belt, with piles without expansion - not a single intact foundation. Across the road, a house on screw stilts, built in the spring and summer, visually sank in the center, so you don’t have to measure it. I didn’t want a stove - I really don’t like the price, there’s no extra money, and there’s not much point. The option with tape is not bad, but there are concerns, and a one and a half meter monolith will cost quite a lot. In general, I settled on piles with expansion.

Special drill for expansion sampling alexko10ru I made it myself, as well as a drill similar to an ice drill for the “body”.

Having drilled the first sixteen holes manually, we decided to automate the process, but the Japanese miracle of technology did not go beyond the first meter of dry clay, stalling on wet clay. I had to drill a meter at a time with equipment, and finish the rest by hand. We poured it with self-mixing, and a cheap 180-liter concrete mixer coped with the task. Reinforcement - the outermost and connecting pillars each have three metal rods with a diameter of 12 mm, the rest each have three rods with a diameter of 10 mm.

What about the piles - the grillage was also filled with self-mixing, bringing water from a neighboring area, and even heating it with buckets over a fire. The grillage width is 40 cm on the external walls and 30 cm on the internal walls, the height is 30 cm, in total about eight cubes of concrete were used.

Walls made of homemade blocks

The construction of walls using this technology involves the molding of large-format hollow blocks directly on the wall. This is a type of monolithic house construction with removable formwork, but not large wall fragments are poured, but blocks. In the original version, a mixture of sand and cement in a 3:1 ratio with the addition of a small amount of water is used to prepare the solution. But the developer of the technology, R.N. Yakovlev, allows the introduction of other fillers (crushed stone, slag, expanded clay, polystyrene, etc.) into the mixture. As for plasticizers, their use in this case is undesirable. The voids can be subsequently filled with any fill-in insulation; in addition, it is convenient to lay communications in them, and when pouring, technical holes can be made in the blocks in advance, if there is a project.


I was attracted by the voids in these blocks, which I will use in two directions. The first (most important) thing is laying the electrical wiring; already during the manufacture of the blocks, I formed holes for sockets, switches, and distribution boxes. When pouring the ceiling, I immediately inserted corrugation with a broach into the channels. Secondly, I want to implement the idea of ​​the technology developer and use voids for ventilation.

Unlike blocks made by vibrating or pressing, these are only compacted, since vibrating would damage the lower rows. But due to the fact that the solution is slightly damp and hard, this is enough to obtain dense, durable blocks. Stripping is carried out immediately after molding; masonry mortars are not used either between rows or between blocks. The side seams formed during the molding process are rubbed with sand-cement mortar. The blocks themselves are reinforced with special basalt rods or pieces of fiberglass reinforcement during the process of laying the mixture. The dimensions of the blocks usually correspond to a wall thickness of one or one and a half bricks:

  • 510×150×250 mm;
  • 510×150×380 mm.

To avoid the formation of cold bridges due to the partition, instead of one block with voids, you can cast two solid ones, placing the thickened part from the inside. To connect the blocks, the same flexible connections are used, only they are placed at an angle, and the direction of inclination is changed from row to row.

Factory prefabricated modules are used as a form.

  1. form;
  2. void former;
  3. cross pin;
  4. longitudinal pin;
  5. partition-scraper;
  6. release panel-rammer;
  7. compensator formwork;
  8. bracket;
  9. molding corner;
  10. wire stopper.

But in order not to pay for ready-made forms, you can make them yourself.


I didn’t buy ready-made formwork for several reasons - money, construction for almost one salary, plus dimensions, the project was designed for different block sizes. Therefore, when I finally decided that it was mine, I bought a hot-rolled steel sheet, 2 mm thick, and welded a mold 390 × 390 × 200 mm. Fortunately, I already had an inverter and some experience in welding (a wing on NIVU).

The funnel at the top is removable - it greatly simplifies loading the solution and leveling, since the excess does not fall outside the module. To speed up and simplify the rather lengthy and labor-intensive process of block molding tobias I used a hammer drill with a modified lance for tamping. Since the solution for the bulk of the blocks was mixed with the addition of crushed stone, such mechanization really helped. The house turned out to be a long-term construction and at the moment the process is in full swing, but two floors practically on our own are difficult, but doable.

U alexko10ru Using this technology, not only the foundation, but also the first floor of a combined chalet-style house. External walls are made of blocks 510×150×380 mm, internal load-bearing walls are made of blocks 510×150×250 mm. The proportions of the solution are 1/3/0.6 (cement, sand, water), the sand is coarse and clean, without foreign inclusions. Blocks for external walls without partitions - an external (9 cm) and an internal (11 cm) wall, connected to each other by fiberglass reinforcement, which fits well into the original technology.

The shape is homemade, according to the drawings of the factory module, but with some modification - three pins instead of five and studs in the corners for alignment.

The blocks were formed mainly by myself and my wife, in their free time from work; the task was not to build quickly. During the first construction season (2016), the box was raised thirteen rows.

Due to the fact that the TISE foundation is manufactured without special equipment by the individual developer’s own resources, the technology is quite in demand in low-rise buildings. However, when choosing “Individual Construction and Ecology Technology”, you should take into account both its advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other types of foundations.

For convenience, below is a comparative analysis of each stage of construction of the TISE foundation.

TISE technology is a columnar grillage with a widened base of the vertical posts. All columnar foundations have the following disadvantages:

  • they are unsuitable for wet soil (high ground level, swamp), fresh embankments and slopes with a height difference of more than 1.5 m between opposite walls of the building;
  • making a full-fledged underground or basement floor on pillars is impossible;
  • floors on the ground, considered the most economical option, can only be made with a low grillage, which reduces the service life of wall materials, unlike a hanging grillage;
  • when using floors in the form of PC slabs or on beams, heat loss increases and insulation consumption increases;
  • underground communications should be additionally insulated;
  • For any grillage, a backing is required, which increases the construction cost, since the beams are prohibited from resting on the ground.

Technical solution for TISE piles on a steep slope.

The creator of the technology, Yakovlev, considered the lack of special equipment and the minimum possible construction budget to be the main advantages, without specifying what the TISE foundation was compared with. The main advantage is the widening of the base of the pillars, which dramatically increases their load-bearing capacity. It was for the design of the TISE drill, which allows increasing the diameter of the well at the bottom to 60 cm without the use of special equipment, that the author received a patent.

Conventional hand tools and motor drill equipment allow you to drill holes with a maximum diameter of 50 cm. To make a widening of a standard post using classical technology, you will have to either dig a larger hole or use a hole drill to drill a hole of the appropriate diameter.

In any of these options, you will have to cast a slab at the face, then install smaller formwork, and fill the gaps after the concrete has hardened. The bearing capacity of the column will increase due to the wide heel, but will decrease due to a decrease in lateral friction with the layers adjacent to the body of the column.

For example, when TISE is supported on clay, each vertical post has a load-bearing capacity of 10 - 12 tons. This is three times more than that of pillars without widening or screw/bored piles.

Table: Load-bearing capacity of TISE piles.

The TISE foundation is inferior to other technologies in the following positions:

  • allows you to build a cottage on wet soil;
  • the tape is suitable for projects with a basement;
  • and screw piles lie not just “below the freezing mark”, but reach the bearing layer, that is, much more reliable than TISE;
  • – the only technology that allows walls to be erected the very next day, since the concrete inside their cavities is not structural, but serves only to protect the internal walls from corrosion;

Due to the high cost of geological surveys, they are replaced by trial screwing in a screw pile in 3 to 5 places inside the building area. The technique allows you to save money (it will cost 1.5 - 2 thousand rubles instead of 30 thousand).

Setting out full-scale axes and excavation work

Since the TISE technology includes pillars and a grillage, when marking the axes of the building, three cords must be pulled. However, when using cast-offs this is not a problem. The main advantages of the technique:

  • lack of planning, which is typical for all grillages, and not just for TISE;
  • maintainability of communications that do not pass through the power structures of the foundation.

At this stage there are no disadvantages; if necessary, the fertile layer can be removed and used in landscape design or in beds.

Drilling, formwork of pillars and grillage

The TISE foundation reveals the most serious shortcomings at this stage:

  • to drill wells with a dome-shaped widening at the bottom, you will have to buy an original drill from the author of the method, R. Yakovlev, which costs 5,000 - 6,000 rubles on the official website or from dealers in the regions of the Russian Federation;
  • or (there are no exact drawings on the Internet, since this is the intellectual property of the author);
  • large boulders at any depth become an insurmountable obstacle, the drill moves to the side, the work begins again, which sharply increases labor costs;

Drilling wells with expansion at the bottom.

On the other hand, the technology is energy-independent; wells can be made in an open field and on a site in a non-electrified cottage community. Apart from the TISE drill, there is no tool that allows you to expand the heel of the post. The advantages usually outweigh the disadvantages, which explains the popularity of the technique.

The formwork work is identical to the installation of tubular formwork for bored (drilled) piles. Depending on the budget, polyethylene or asbestos-cement pipes and a piece of roofing material rolled into a cylinder are used.

Depending on the height of the grillage above the ground, labor costs and material consumption for the manufacture of formwork for this foundation element increase significantly:

  • low grillage - the lower deck is polystyrene foam (non-removable option) or a layer of sand (removed after the concrete has hardened);

Pouring a grillage with a permanent polystyrene foam lower deck.

  • hanging grillage - plywood or plank board on H-shaped posts.

Therefore, the construction budget at this stage is comparable to MZLF, bored piles and much higher than that of a floating slab (where formwork is needed only on the outside).

Reinforcement and concreting

Since in construction regulations (pile foundations), (foundations of structures/buildings), (design of foundations) reinforcement of underground load-bearing monolithic structures is mandatory, the TISE foundation is no exception.

Reinforcement technology has the following nuances:

The easiest way is to make a reinforcement cage on a construction site or buy it at a construction market and then place it inside the formwork, but in this option it is impossible to place the reinforcement inside the widening. Therefore, more often, vertical rods are bent at a right angle, lowered inside the formwork and inserted into the dome part of the widening heel, then tied with horizontal clamps, but only in the upper part.

This leads to the disadvantages of the methods - in the first case, the widening remains unreinforced, in the second, the vertical rods can separate at the face when filling the formwork with concrete.

Waterproofing and sealing

Like all load-bearing concrete structures in contact with the ground or operating underground, the TISE foundation needs protection from getting wet. After stripping, all accessible surfaces are covered with waterproofing materials. In this regard, the technology does not provide any advantages to the individual developer.

In a low grillage, it is necessary to protect the distance between the bottom of the beams and the ground from filling with earth. Therefore, sheet material that is not subject to rotting (CBF or asbestos cement sheet) is installed on the sides.

Protection of the grillage from soil swelling.

An underground appears in the hanging grillage; the function of protecting its perimeter is taken over by a false base (), made of brick, corrugated sheet or base siding.

Blind area and drainage

The advantage of any columnar or pile grillage, including the TISE foundation, is the absence of the need for drainage (wall or ring) and insulation of the blind area and backfill. There are no heat sources inside the underground, the soil is completely frozen, so thermal insulation here is pointless.

The disadvantages of this stage of construction are common to all existing technologies. It is necessary to fill the blind area to remove melt, flood waters and precipitation from the walls of the building. To prevent runoff from eroding areas of fertile soil adjacent to the blind area, stormwater gutters are usually built along its outer perimeter, and point rainwater inlets are installed under the vertical pipes of the roof drainage.

Thus, the TISE foundation is more expensive than a non-buried columnar grillage, the racks of which are made of brick or a wall block of 2 x 2 x 4 dm format. Of all the other technologies, only the pile-screw foundation and grillage on bored piles compete with it.